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Update: Remove drums from song with the VST DrumExtract!


SamplerBox is an open-source DIY audio sampler project based on RaspberryPi.



SamplerBox works with the RaspberryPi's built-in soundcard, but it is recommended to use a USB DAC (PCM2704 USB DAC for less than 10€ on eBay is fine) for better sound quality.

You can use a ready-to-use ISO image from the Releases page or do a manual install:

  1. Start with a standard RaspiOS intsall. The following steps have been tested with

  2. Install the required dependencies (Python-related packages and audio libraries - the current version requires at least Python 3.7):

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt -y install git python3-pip python3-smbus python3-numpy libportaudio2 
    sudo apt -y install raspberrypi-kernel  # quite long to install, do it only if necessary, it solves a "no sound before 25 second on boot" problem
    sudo pip3 install cython cffi sounddevice pyserial
    sudo pip3 install git+/~     # now also works for Python3.9+ and Cython3 ; for Windows, see below
  3. Download SamplerBox and build it with:

    git clone /~
    cd SamplerBox
    sudo python3 build_ext --inplace
  4. Reboot the Pi, and run the soft with:

    sudo python3

    Play some notes on the connected MIDI keyboard, you'll hear some sound!

  5. (Optional) Modify if you want to change root directory for sample-sets, default soundcard, etc.

How to use it

See the FAQ on


A few remarks:

  • the current version works on Pi 2, 3, 4 (re-tested on Pi2 & Pi4 on 2022-08-09)
  • the current version also works on Windows if all the required modules are installed
  • MIDI via GPIO/serial should be re-tested with the current version, see #49
  • 7-segment display confirmed working as of 2022-08-09, see requirement

ISO image

The ready-to-use ISO images available on are built with the help of a script that can be found in isoimage/


  • SamplerBox has been primarily made for Raspberry Pi / RaspiOS
  • It also works more generally on major Linux distributions
  • It also works on Windows, but you are a bit on your own with no support ;) Example: to install the dependency rtmidi-python, you have to do: pip install cython, git clone /~, cd rtmidi-python, python install.


Author : Joseph Ernest (twitter: @JosephErnest, mail:

Sponsors and consulting

I am available for Python, Data science, ML, Automation consulting. Please contact me on for freelancing requests.

Do you want to support the development of my open-source projects? Please contact me!

I am currently sponsored by Thank you to them for providing a DigiCert Code Signing Certificate and supporting open source software.


Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0