DRAFT (this rough outline will turn into a bio)
20+ years of experience working with startups, entrepreneurship, sales, business development, public speaking, go-to-market strategy, and executive coach.
Experience and expertise
- Executive coach to dozens of CEOs at companies of all sizes, from small business to Fortune 500
- As a turnaround CEO, I have successfully taken companies from near bankrupcy to successful exits.
- Experienced with startup fundraising and venture capital
- ERP, CRM, eprocurement, ecommerce, supply chain automation
- Search engine marketing (SEM)
- Business modeling, product strategy, monetization, and go-to-market strategy
- Sales pipeline development (revenue forecasting)
- Sales funnel development (stage advancement)
- Recipient of 2001 Score, Small Business Client-of-the-Year Award
- Recipient of 2001 SBA, Small Business of the Year Award
- Achieved the highest score on oDesk (now upwork) out of 10,224 business consultants for the "business plans" category (received a perfect score in half the allotted time on the first attempt)
- Salesforce.com certified consultant
- Google Advertising Professional
Honorable mention
- Mentioned in the book Startup: The Complete Handbook for Launching a Company for Less, by Elizabeth Edwards
Public speaking
- "Entrepreneurship" for the State of KY and (now former) Congressman Geoff Davis
- Motivational speaker to Fortune 500 sales organizations such as Pfizer.
- Entrepreneurship (What it takes, and how to start): for Congressman Geoff Davis and the Kentucky Community & Technical College
- Sell Like an Enterpreneur (When You Work for a Big Company): for Pfizer, sales organization
- Keynote Speaker for IAPPA (International Assocation of Amusement Parks and Attractions): The Future of Communications Technology, and How It will Impact Recreation. The speech was attended by several hundred C-Level executives from companies such as Univeral Studios, Disney, Paramount and Six Flags.
- Guest lecturer multiple times on "E-Business and the Virtual Value Chain" for University of Cincinnati, College of Business
- Guest lecturer on "B2B Supply Chain" for University of Cincinnati, College of Business
- "How Social Technology Will Impact Business" for Northern Kentucky University
- "Entrepreneurship" for Xavier University
Public speaking
Honorable mention
Jon Schlinkertjon.schlinkert@sellside.com LinkedIn profile Twitter profile