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This is a self-learning small project that has been done with NodeJs course.

👉This site is online at here (heroku platform) here (render platform).

MongoDB have been used for DB.


For installing packages

npm install

and to start the server,

npm start

Don't forget to add your credentials to .env file.

In this course I learned (for NodeJs enviroment),

  • express framework,
  • nodemon package usage,
  • ejs template structure,
  • Middlewares and method-override package,
  • MVC structure,
  • Routing,
  • Mongoose Model structure,
  • dotenv package and credential hiding,
  • Auth and Role adding,
  • bcyrpt package and password hashing,
  • slugify package and URL slugifying,
  • connect-flash package and flash messages,
  • nodemailer package and automatic mail sending service,
  • express-validation package and server-side request body validation,
  • MongoDB atlas usage.

You can register to the application as a student or as a teacher. As a teacher you can do CRUD functinality for your own courses. As a student you can Enroll and Relase the courses. Also, admin user have all the CRUD functionality on the application.

Of course not all of them has been showed in the course content. In addition to course content, I added some extra specaialty to this small project.

  • All the uncessary pages that were in the template has been cleaned,
  • dotenv package has been added for credentials,
  • recaptcha feature has been added for mail sending feature for safety reasons 👉try it.