Football/Soccer data for anyone to use. I save them here as I find them or build the files. Data is in mostly csv and json formats.
See Guide to Football/Soccer data and APIs for a more complete list of soccer data available online.
Files and datasets will move and schemas will change. Fork the project if you need a snapshot.
Please add your data sets. We need more data.
- [Euro 2016] - teams and rosters
- FA English Premier League (EPL) 1992 to 2015
- Germany
- Bundesliga 2015-2016 Roster/Players
- ESPN Player Data
- [Euro 2012](Euro 2012/)
- - massive dump of csv files for historical results and betting odds Data
- footballStats
- Major League Soccer (MLS) - players, salaries and fixtures
- openFootballData JSON Port of openFootballData text files
- [World Cups](World Cups/) - very limited datset
- Other
- All Leagues csv | json
- All Teams csv | json
- Stadiums with GPS Coords
- Video Game data
- FIFA 2012 Ultimate Team Player Data
- Huge set of 22 countries - sqlite db file, csv and xls files
- Soccer match event dataset
Special Thanks to:
- rahulkadukar
- sauravj
- aqsmith08
- niudd
- @michaelkunc
- @ArtemBernatskyy
- @ilkermutlu
- @div3
- Fork the project
- Add your raw data files no matter how small or specific!
- Send a pull request.
If you use and clean up a file. Please re-add it so everyone can benefit.
- JSON Formatter - readable JSON is preferred.
- JSONLint - another JSON validator.
- Some Data provided by under Creative Commons License
- Wikipedia
- Guide to Football/Soccer data and APIs
- /~
- ESPN API -> Retired
- /~
- /~
- /~
- Women's soccer online stats
- The Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
- Major League Soccer (United States)
- /~ - data is provided as JSON files exported from the StatsBomb Data API,