This is a React Redux single-page application used to create, remove and display books from external API
- CSS3
- JavaScript (ES6)
- React
- Redux
- External API
- React
- Redux
- Webpaack
- Axios
- Babel
- You can add your book to this website
- You can see the progress of your reading
- You can edit or remove your book
- Navigation to different pages
- Redux toolkit
- Axios library
- Filter option by category
- Post and remove books
- Styling UI
- Clone the repository to your desired folder
cd Book Store
npm i
install dependencies
npm start
start the server
To run tests, run the following command:
npm run test
👤 Joseph David
GitHub: @jodavid444
Twitter: @jodavid444dave
LinkedIn LinkedIn
- Improve filter option
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the [issues page]
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This project is MIT licensed.