Repository to share my code for the fourth backend challenge from Alura. The objective of this challenge was to develop an API for a financial control app and deploy it.
The deployed version can be accessed on
To run this project you will need at least Docker and Docker Compose. Optionally, you can also have Git to clone the repository and Node.js to run the project without Docker.
First, download and extract the project folder or directly clone it with Git:
# Will create a folder called Alura-backend-challenge-4 in your current folder
git clone /~
After that you access the project directory in the terminal and run it with Docker Compose:
# Change the current folder
cd Alura-backend-challenge-4/
# Run the project with Docker
docker compose up
If not using docker you will have to manually set up a database and change the database info in the base .env file provided.
Once the API is up and running you can access it on http://localhost:3000/api for a Swagger UI with the documentation of the routes.
It contains 3 tables: Income, Expense and User. Both the Income and the Expense tables have a many-to-one relation with the User table.
Basic CRUDs are available for all tables and there are endpoints for accessing a monthly summary of your incomes and expenses, aswell as endpoints for signing up and for login.
Most of the endpoints are protected by a JWT-based authentication system which means you need to be logged in to access the API. There are no restrictions for signing up a new user and once you log in you will receive a JWT token that will be stored in your cookies and will be sent with every request made to the API. In addition, the User endpoints are also protected by a role based authorization system, and can only be accessed by users with the admin role.
A basic documentation of the endpoints is available at /api