This C++ pipeline combines two DCNNs and some computer vision preprocessing in order to remove the background of images from a video.
The output is a directory of RGBA images.
The alpha component of background pixels are set to 0.
The contour of the foreground objects have progressive alpha values to blend them with new backgrounds.
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
Direct dependencies:
- sudo apt install libtclap-dev
- libtorch
- Opencv 4.2.0
- built from sources (/~ and contribs /~
The pipeline is composed by :
- Semantic Segmentation using DeepLabV3
- see my other repository /~
- weights were fine-tuned for skydiver segmentation, and frozen with PyTorch JIT Tracing
- Dropbox link :
- Optical flow to track pixels of foreground objects over time
- Trimap generation using morpho math
- Deep Image Matting to improve alpha on objects contour
- pretrained weights come from /~
- also frozen using PyTorch JIT Tracing
- Dropbox link :
cd ./samples/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../VideoBackgroundEraser/
make -j8
BG="-b 0"
CUSTOM="--useCuda --hideDisplay -t"
OPTIONS="-m ${MODEL1} -n ${MODEL2} -i ${INPUT} -o ${OUTPUT} -p ${OUTPUT2} ${BG} ${CUSTOM}"
VideoBackgroundEraser [-r <float>]
[-b <list<int>>] ...
-n <string> -m <string>
[-p <string>]
[-o <string>]
-i <string>
[--] [--version] [-h]
-r <float>, --imageMatting_scale <float>
Rescale for Deep Image Matting
-t, --enable_temporalManagement
Enable temporal management of scene to improve accuracy between
frames. Might not work well for video where the background is moving
-b <list<int>>, --background_classId_list <list<int>> (accepted
multiple times)
IDs of the background in the model
-n <string>, --DeepImageMattingModelPath <string>
(required) Path to a PyTorch JIT binary .pb containing the trained
model DeepImageMatting
-m <string>, --DeepLabV3ModelPath <string>
(required) Path to a PyTorch JIT binary .pb containing the trained
model DeepLabV3
-p <string>, --outputPathGrid <string>
Path to a directory to save rgb result with grid
-o <string>, --outputPath <string>
Path to a directory to save rgba result
Hide display of source image and result
-c, --useCuda
Use Cuda for inference
-i <string>, --inputPath <string>
(required) Path to video or a directory+pattern
Once the background is replaced with the tool/code of your choice, ffmpeg can be used to compress the images in a video file :
ffmpeg -i your_result/%08d.png -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p your_result.mp4