Briey SoC on ICESugar Pro (Lattice ECP5)
- UART (Briey SoC, 115200bps)
- SDRAM (Briey SoC)
- PMOD-RGBLCD by Muse Lab (SDRAM FrameBuffer:480x800 16bpp for Sipeed Tang Nano LCD) @ PMOD P3 Connector
- TFCARD (Intel Hex Loader Support on Sample FW)
- JTAG DEBUG @ iCELink 2nd JTAG (VexRiscv)
# Required packages
sudo apt-get install build-essential clang bison flex \
libreadline-dev gawk tcl-dev libffi-dev git \
graphviz xdot pkg-config python3 libboost-system-dev \
libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev zlib1g-dev cmake
# prjtrellis
git clone --recursive /~
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
cd prjtrellis/libtrellis
sudo make install
# yosys
git clone --recursive /~
cd yosys
make config-clang
make -j7
sudo make install
# nextpnr-ecp5
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
git clone --recursive /~
cd nextpnr
make -j7
sudo make install
After completing the above settings, go to the project folder and execute the following to build.
$ cd (Project Folder)
$ ./
For those of you using ICESugarPro, I would like to add that drag-and-drop writing using the JTAG chip (iCELink) may fail.
If it does not work properly, please try re-writing using icesprog or ecpdap.
VS Code (IDE : Tested on Windows)
GNU MCU Eclipse RISC-V Embedded GCC 8.2.0 (Tested on Windows)
ecpdap (if needed)
openocd for vexriscv (Windows Binary included) /~
(You must run "icesprog -j 2" before SoC Debugging)
The folder names are embedded in "tasks.json" and "launch.json", so you need to rewrite them. Make sure that riscv-none-embed-gcc, make and openocd work properly.
Example of embedding
"debugServerArgs": "-c \"set VEXRISCV_YAML C:/(PROJECT FOLDER)/testvex/briey/Briey.yaml\" -f ${workspaceFolder}/vexriscv_dual.cfg",
{"text": "-file-exec-and-symbols C:/(PROJECT FOLDER)/testvex/briey/progmem.elf","description": "set architecture","ignoreFailures": false},
- Clone VexRiscv Repo.
git clone /~
git checkout 2de35e6116e623e2d5465f753a1c84104fa127cb
(ignore warning)
- Copy Briey.scala included in the project to the demo folder of VexRiscv and reconfigure it with sbt.
cp ~/(This Project)/Briey.scala ~/VexRiscv/src/main/scala/vexriscv/demo/
cd ~/VexRiscv/
sbt "runMain vexriscv.demo.BrieyICESugarPro"
- Replace the $readmem section of the generated Briey.v with the following (included in the project as progmemh.v.txt)
initial begin
- Copy the generated cpu0.yaml as Briey.yaml to the "Briey" folder under the project (or as specified in launch.json).
- Monitor Command
D:Dump - D(Begin),(End)
F:Fill - F(Begin),(End),(Val)
G:Go - G<STARTENTRY:fromihex>
R:Read Intel Hex
S:Set - S(Addr)
=:SD DIR - =
!:SD IHEX - !(Filename)
T:TP TEST (NOP , It's the same FW as the Sipeed Tang project.)
Run MicroPython Port Demo
cd port/rv32
make V=1
then v.hex and v.elf created at ports/rv32/build/.
- Copy v.hex and to TFCARD
- Type "!V.HEX" on monitor prompt to load HEX into SDRAM
- Type "G" on monitor prompt to Run MicroPython Binary on SDRAM
- Run "demo()" on MicroPython Prompt to Run FrameBuffer Demo on
- Yosys build script
- Pin mapping for ICESugarPro
- How to use ECP5's PLL and create RAM, and Text Font