Test Function Suite for Bilevel Optimization.
Open the Julia (Julia 1.0 or Later) REPL and press ]
to open the Pkg prompt. To add this package, use the add command:
Type ]
pkg> add https://github.com/jmejia8/BilevelBenchmark.jl.git
Or, equivalently, via the Pkg
julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("/~https://github.com/jmejia8/BilevelBenchmark.jl.git")
If you are using Windows 10 (or later), then you should to run import Pkg; Pkg.build("BilevelBenchmark")
after installation.
Simple example:
using BilevelBenchmark
# upper level
D_upper = 100 # dimension (number of variables)
x = rand(D_upper)
# lower level
D_lower = 100 # dimension (number of variables)
y = rand(D_lower)
# test function number
fnum = 1 # SMD1
# get the upper level value
Fxy = SMD_leader(x, y, fnum)
# get the lower level value
fxy = SMD_follower(x, y, fnum)
You also can wrap the upper and lower level functions (say SMD2) into a Julia Function:
using BilevelBenchmark
# leader function
F(x, y) = SMD_leader(x, y, 2)
# follower function
f(x, y) = SMD_follower(x, y, 2)
# leader decision vector
x = rand(5)
# follower decision vector
y = rand(5)
@show F(x, y)
@show f(x, y)
It can be useful to know a feasible solution related to an upper level vector (x).
This Package includes the following method to handle that SMD_Ψ(x, D_ll, fnum)
where x
is the upper level vector, D_ll
is the lower level dimension and fnum
is the test problem id (e.g. fnum = 5
is for the SMD5 test problem).
using BilevelBenchmark
# SMD5
fnum = 5
# a random leader decision vector
x = rand(5) # 5D
# lower level optimal solution corresponding to x
D_ll = 5
y = SMD_Ψ(x, D_ll, fnum)
# show feasible solution
@show (x, y)
- Optimal feasible solutions:
SMD_solutions(D_ul, D_ll, fnum)
- UL and LL ranges/search spaces:
SMD_ranges(D_ul, D_ll, fnum)
TODO: documentation