Clongus is a tool for synchronising data sources. It differs from other tools in the following ways:
- It is stateless. It does not store user data, it compares state on every run, and acts accordingly
- All data is processed as key-value pairs, so rules for processing REST queries can equally be used for SQL queries
- It is flexible - it abstracts all the ‘things’ in datasources and provides standard methods of processing them
- It is not ‘opinionated’ - it isn’t geared specifically to user management (though it will do this), it is designed to deal with ‘things’ (things having a pretty board definition)
- ‘things’ can be entities, properties of entities, relationships, anything you can express in terms of key-value pairs
- User lifecycle management
- group and membership management
- calendar, event and subscription management
- privileges management
- Concepts
- [Recipe structure - YAML](yaml
- recipe fragments:
- Sample recipes
- Running Clongus