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jiangsy committed Apr 17, 2024
1 parent d603a44 commit 29c64a0
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Showing 11 changed files with 276 additions and 298 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions proof/old_system/uni/algo_worklist/prop_completeness.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ Qed.

Lemma d_mono_typ_strengthen_app : forall θ1 θ2 X T1 T2,
wf_ss (θ2 ++ (X, dbind_typ T1) :: θ1) ->
d_mono_typ (ss_to_denv (θ2 ++ (X, dbind_typ T1) :: θ1)) T2 ->
d_mono_typ (ss_to_denv θ1) T1 ->
ss_to_denv (θ2 ++ (X, dbind_typ T1) :: θ1) ᵗ⊢ᵈₘ T2 ->
ss_to_denv θ1 ᵗ⊢ᵈₘ T1 ->
(∀ Y : atom, Y `in` ftvar_in_typ T2 → Y `in` ftvar_in_typ T1) ->
d_mono_typ (ss_to_denv θ1) T2.
ss_to_denv θ1 ᵗ⊢ᵈₘ T2.
intros. induction θ2; simpl in *; auto.
- destruct a as [X0 b]. destruct b.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ Ltac solve_wf_typ :=
H_3: ?θ ᵗ⊩ ?Aᵃ ⇝ ?Aᵈ |- d_wf_typ (dwl_to_denv ?Ω) ?Aᵈ =>
eapply trans_wl_a_wf_typ_d_wf_typ; eauto
| H_1 : d_wf_typ (ss_to_denv ?θ) ?A,
H_2: nil ⊩ ?Γ ⇝ ?Ω ⫣ ?θ |- dwl_to_denv ?Ω ?A =>
H_2: nil ⊩ ?Γ ⇝ ?Ω ⫣ ?θ |- dwl_to_denv ?Ω ᵗ⊢ᵈ ?A =>
eapply trans_wl_ss_wf_typ_d_wf_typ; eauto
| _ : _ |- _ => idtac
Expand Down
65 changes: 19 additions & 46 deletions proof/old_system/uni/algo_worklist/prop_rename.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Require Import uni.prop_basic.
Require Import uni.algo_worklist.def_extra.
Require Import uni.algo_worklist.prop_basic.
Require Import ltac_utils.
Require Import LibTactics.

Open Scope aworklist_scope.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -811,12 +810,12 @@ Qed.

Lemma a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_exp : forall Γ X X' e,
⊢ᵃʷ Γ ->
X' `notin` dom (awl_to_aenv Γ) ->
X' dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) ->
a_wf_exp (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) e ->
a_wf_exp (⌊ rename_tvar_in_aworklist X' X Γ ⌋ᵃ) (subst_tvar_in_exp (typ_var_f X') X e)
with a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_body : forall Γ X X' b,
⊢ᵃʷ Γ ->
X' `notin` dom (awl_to_aenv Γ) ->
X' dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) ->
a_wf_body (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) b ->
a_wf_body (⌊ rename_tvar_in_aworklist X' X Γ ⌋ᵃ) (subst_tvar_in_body (typ_var_f X') X b).
Proof with eauto using a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_typ.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -855,22 +854,22 @@ Qed.

Lemma a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_conts : forall Γ X X' cs,
⊢ᵃʷ Γ ->
X' `notin` dom (awl_to_aenv Γ) ->
X' dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) ->
a_wf_conts (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) cs ->
a_wf_conts (⌊ rename_tvar_in_aworklist X' X Γ ⌋ᵃ) (subst_tvar_in_conts (typ_var_f X') X cs)
a_wf_conts (⌊ rename_tvar_in_aworklist X' X Γ ⌋ᵃ) ({` X' ᶜˢ/ₜ X} cs)
with a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_contd : forall Γ X X' cd,
⊢ᵃʷ Γ ->
X' `notin` dom (awl_to_aenv Γ) ->
X' dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) ->
a_wf_contd (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) cd ->
a_wf_contd (⌊ rename_tvar_in_aworklist X' X Γ ⌋ᵃ) (subst_tvar_in_contd (typ_var_f X') X cd).
a_wf_contd (⌊ rename_tvar_in_aworklist X' X Γ ⌋ᵃ) ({` X' ᶜᵈ/ₜ X} cd).
Proof with auto using a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_typ, a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_exp.
- intros. clear a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_conts. dependent induction H1; simpl in *; auto...
- intros. clear a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_contd. dependent induction H1; try repeat destruct_wf_arrow; simpl in *; auto...

Lemma a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_work : forall Γ X X' w,
⊢ᵃʷ Γ ->
X' `notin` dom (awl_to_aenv Γ) ->
X' dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) ->
a_wf_work (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) w ->
a_wf_work (⌊ rename_tvar_in_aworklist X' X Γ ⌋ᵃ) (subst_tvar_in_work (typ_var_f X') X w).
Proof with auto 8 using a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_typ, a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_exp, a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_conts, a_wl_rename_tvar_wf_contd.
Expand All @@ -880,7 +879,7 @@ Qed.

Lemma a_wf_wl_rename_tvar : forall Γ X X',
⊢ᵃʷ Γ ->
X' `notin` dom (awl_to_aenv Γ) ->
X' dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ) ->
⊢ᵃʷ (rename_tvar_in_aworklist X' X Γ).
Proof with eauto.
intros. induction H; try solve [simpl in *; eauto].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -913,46 +912,44 @@ Qed.

Lemma apply_conts_rename_tvar : forall cs A w X X',
apply_conts cs A w ->
apply_conts (subst_tvar_in_conts (typ_var_f X') X cs) (subst_tvar_in_typ (typ_var_f X') X A)
(subst_tvar_in_work (typ_var_f X') X w).
apply_conts ({`X' ᶜˢ/ₜ X} cs) ({`X' ᵗ/ₜ X} A) ({` X' ʷ/ₜ X} w).
intros. induction H; simpl; try solve [simpl; eauto].

Lemma apply_contd_rename_tvar : forall cd A B w X X',
apply_contd cd A B w ->
apply_contd (subst_tvar_in_contd (typ_var_f X') X cd) (subst_tvar_in_typ (typ_var_f X') X A) (subst_tvar_in_typ (typ_var_f X') X B)
(subst_tvar_in_work (typ_var_f X') X w).
apply_contd ({`X' ᶜᵈ/ₜ X} cd) ({`X' ᵗ/ₜ X} A) ({`X' ᵗ/ₜ X} B) ({`X' ʷ/ₜ X} w).
intros. induction H; simpl; try solve [simpl; eauto].

Lemma aworlist_subst_dom_upper1' : forall Γ X A Γ1 Γ2,
aworklist_subst Γ X A Γ1 Γ2 ->
dom (awl_to_aenv Γ1) [<=] (dom (awl_to_aenv Γ)).
dom ( Γ1 ⌋ᵃ) [<=] dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ).
intros * Haws; simpl; induction Haws; simpl in *; try fsetdec.
- autorewrite with core in *. simpl in *. fsetdec.

Lemma aworlist_subst_dom_upper2' : forall Γ X A Γ1 Γ2,
aworklist_subst Γ X A Γ1 Γ2 ->
dom (awl_to_aenv Γ2) [<=] dom (awl_to_aenv Γ).
dom ( Γ2 ⌋ᵃ) [<=] dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ).
intros. induction H; simpl; try fsetdec.
- autorewrite with core in *. simpl in *. fsetdec.

Lemma subst_typ_in_aworklist_dom_eq : forall Γ X A,
dom (awl_to_aenv ({A ᵃʷ/ₜ X} Γ)) [=] dom (awl_to_aenv Γ).
dom ({A ᵃʷ/ₜ X} Γ ⌋ᵃ) [=] dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ).
intros. induction Γ; simpl; fsetdec.

Lemma aworklist_subst_dom_upper : forall Γ X A Γ1 Γ2,
aworklist_subst Γ X A Γ1 Γ2 ->
dom (⌊ {A ᵃʷ/ₜ X} Γ2 ⧺ Γ1 ⌋ᵃ) [<=] dom (awl_to_aenv Γ).
dom (⌊ {A ᵃʷ/ₜ X} Γ2 ⧺ Γ1⌋ᵃ) [<=] dom (⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ).
intros. autorewrite with core.
rewrite subst_typ_in_aworklist_dom_eq.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1122,13 +1119,12 @@ Proof with eauto; solve_false.
+ intros. fold_subst. eapply s_in_subst in H0...
+ intros. simpl in *.
apply worklist_subst_rename_tvar with (X':=X) (X1:=X') (X2:=X0) in H10 as Hws.
* destruct_eq_atom. simpl in Hws.
* simpl in Hws. destruct_eq_atom.
rewrite rename_tvar_in_typ_rev_eq in *...
rewrite rename_tvar_in_typ_rev_eq in *...
rewrite rename_tvar_in_aworklist_rev_eq in Hws; auto...
apply H8 in Hws as Hawlred; simpl; auto.
-- clear Hws. destruct_eq_atom.
-- clear Hws.
rewrite_aworklist_rename; simpl; eauto.
simpl in Hawlred. destruct_eq_atom. auto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1196,10 +1192,8 @@ Proof with eauto; solve_false.
+ intros.
inst_cofinites_with x. inst_cofinites_with X1. inst_cofinites_with X2.
apply worklist_subst_rename_tvar with (X':=X) (X1:=X') (X2:=X') in H11 as Hws.
* simpl in Hws.
rewrite rename_tvar_in_aworklist_rev_eq in Hws; auto...
simpl in Hws. destruct_eq_atom.
* rewrite rename_tvar_in_aworklist_rev_eq in Hws; auto...
simpl in Hws.
replace (exp_var_f x) with (subst_tvar_in_exp (` X') X (exp_var_f x)) in Hws by auto.
rewrite <- subst_tvar_in_exp_open_exp_wrt_exp in Hws.
Expand All @@ -1208,7 +1202,7 @@ Proof with eauto; solve_false.
++ assert (X `notin` (ftvar_in_exp (subst_tvar_in_exp ` X' X e ᵉ^ₑ exp_var_f x))) by (solve_notin_rename_tvar; auto).
clear Hws. destruct_eq_atom.
rewrite_aworklist_rename; simpl; auto.
simpl in Hawlred. destruct_eq_atom. auto.
++ eapply aworklist_subst_wf_wl in Hws; simpl in *; eauto 9.
** repeat (constructor; simpl; eauto). eapply a_wf_exp_weaken_etvar_twice with (T:=T)...
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1798,27 +1792,6 @@ Proof.

Lemma lc_exp_subst_var_in_exp : forall e1 e2 x,
lc_exp e1 ->
lc_exp e2 ->
lc_exp (subst_var_in_exp e2 x e1)
with lc_body_subst_var_in_body : forall b e x,
lc_body b ->
lc_exp e ->
lc_body (subst_var_in_body e x b).
Proof with eauto using lc_typ_subst.
- intros. clear lc_exp_subst_var_in_exp. induction H; simpl...
+ destruct_eq_atom; auto.
+ pick fresh x0. apply lc_exp_abs_exists with (x1:=x0).
replace (({e2 ᵉ/ₑ x} e) ᵉ^ₑ exp_var_f x0) with ({e2 ᵉ/ₑ x} (e ᵉ^ₑ exp_var_f x0))...
rewrite subst_var_in_exp_open_exp_wrt_exp... simpl; destruct_eq_atom...
+ pick fresh X0. apply lc_exp_tabs_exists with (X1:=X0).
replace (open_body_wrt_typ ({e2 ᵇ/ₑ x} body5) ` X0) with ({e2 ᵇ/ₑ x} (open_body_wrt_typ body5 ` X0))...
rewrite subst_var_in_body_open_body_wrt_typ...
- intros. clear lc_body_subst_var_in_body. destruct b.
dependent destruction H; simpl...

Lemma a_wf_exp_rename_var : forall Γ x x' e,
⊢ᵃʷ Γ ->
x' `notin` fvar_in_aworklist' Γ ->
Expand Down
25 changes: 9 additions & 16 deletions proof/old_system/uni/algo_worklist/prop_soundness.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ Qed.
#[local] Hint Immediate trans_wl_wf_ss : core.

Lemma tvar_notin_dom_neq_tvar_in_ss_wf_typ : forall θ T X Y,
ss_to_denv θ ⊢ₘ T ->
ss_to_denv θ ᵗ⊢ᵈₘ T ->
X `in` ftvar_in_typ T ->
Y `notin` dom θ ->
X <> Y.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ Proof with auto.
assert (wf_ss ((X ~ dbind_typ Aᵈ) ++ θ)). {
constructor; eauto.
erewrite trans_wl_ss_dom_upper; eauto.
eapply trans_wl_a_mono_typ_d_mono_typ with (Aᵃ:=A); eauto.
eapply trans_wl_a_mono_typ_d_mono_typ with (Tᵃ:=A); eauto.
dependent destruction H6.
repeat split; auto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ Proof with auto.
apply IHaworklist_subst in H6 as IH.
destruct IH as [θ'1 [Tᵈ [Htrans [Htranst [Htranst' [Hbinds [Htransx Hwfss]]]]]]].
exists (Y ~ dbind_typ T ++ θ'1). exists Tᵈ.
assert (ss_to_denv θ'1 ⊢ₘ T). {
assert (ss_to_denv θ'1 ᵗ⊢ᵈₘ T). {
apply d_mono_typ_reorder_ss with (θ:=θ'); eauto.
intros. apply Hbinds; auto. apply neq_comm.
eapply tvar_notin_dom_neq_tvar_in_ss_wf_typ with (X:=X0); eauto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ Ltac solve_notin_dom :=

Lemma worklist_subst_fresh_etvar_total : forall Γ1 Γ2 X X1 X2,
⊢ᵃʷ (Γ2 ⧺ X ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ Γ1) ->
X1 `notin` dom (awl_to_aenv (Γ2 ⧺ X ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ Γ1)) ->
X2 `notin` add X1 (dom (awl_to_aenv (Γ2 ⧺ X ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ Γ1))) ->
X1 `notin` dom (Γ2 ⧺ X ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ Γ1 ⌋ᵃ) ->
X2 `notin` add X1 (dom (Γ2 ⧺ X ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ Γ1 ⌋ᵃ)) ->
aworklist_subst (X2 ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ X1 ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ Γ2 ⧺ X ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ Γ1) X
(typ_arrow ` X1 ` X2) (X1 ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ X2 ~ᵃ ⬒ ;ᵃ Γ1) Γ2.
Proof with auto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -983,15 +983,6 @@ Proof.
try repeat unify_trans_typ; try unify_trans_exp; try constructor.

Ltac fold_open_wrt_rec' :=
match goal with
| H : context [open_typ_wrt_typ_rec 0 ?B ?A] |- _ => replace (open_typ_wrt_typ_rec 0 B A) with (open_typ_wrt_typ A B) in H by auto
| H : context [open_exp_wrt_typ_rec 0 ?A ?e] |- _ => replace (open_exp_wrt_typ_rec 0 A e) with (open_exp_wrt_typ e A) in H by auto

Ltac fold_open_wrt_rec :=
repeat fold_open_wrt_rec'.

#[local] Hint Resolve trans_typ_wf_ss trans_wl_a_wf_typ_d_wf_typ : core.

#[local] Hint Resolve a_wf_wl_a_wf_bind_typ : core.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1357,9 +1348,10 @@ Proof with eauto.
- destruct_a_wf_wl.
pick fresh X. inst_cofinites_with X.
assert (Hwf: ⊢ᵃʷ (work_check (e ᵉ^ₜ ` X) (A ᵗ^ₜ X) ⫤ᵃ X ~ᵃ □ ;ᵃ work_applys cs (typ_all A) ⫤ᵃ Γ)). {
rewrite open_body_wrt_typ_anno in *.
dependent destruction H0...
dependent destruction H...
repeat (constructor; simpl; auto). fold_open_wrt_rec.
repeat (constructor; simpl; auto).
inst_cofinites_for a_wf_typ__all; intros.
apply a_wf_typ_rename_tvar_cons with (Y:=X0) in H1.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1392,7 +1384,8 @@ Proof with eauto.
unify_trans_typ. inversion H11. subst.
apply d_wl_del_red__inf with (A:=typ_all (close_typ_wrt_typ X Axᵈ)).
* dependent destruction H. dependent destruction H1. fold_open_wrt_rec.
* rewrite open_body_wrt_typ_anno in *.
dependent destruction H. dependent destruction H1.
inst_cofinites_for d_chk_inf__inf_tabs.
-- inst_cofinites_for d_wf_typ__all; intros; inst_cofinites_with X0;
rewrite_close_open_subst. apply s_in_rename.
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions proof/old_system/uni/algo_worklist/transfer.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ Qed.

Lemma wf_ss_typ_no_etvar: forall θ X A T,
wf_ss θ ->
ss_to_denv θ A ->
ss_to_denv θ ᵗ⊢ᵈ A ->
X ~ T ∈ᵈ θ ->
X `notin` ftvar_in_typ A.
Proof with eauto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ Qed.

Lemma trans_typ_wf_dtyp : forall θ Aᵃ Aᵈ,
θ ᵗ⊩ Aᵃ ⇝ Aᵈ ->
(ss_to_denv θ) Aᵈ.
(ss_to_denv θ) ᵗ⊢ᵈ Aᵈ.
Proof with eauto.
intros. induction H...
- constructor; auto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1737,7 +1737,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma trans_wl_wf_bind_typ : forall Γ Ω θ X T,
nil ⊩ Γ ⇝ Ω ⫣ θ ->
binds X (dbind_typ T) θ ->
dwl_to_denv Ω T.
dwl_to_denv Ω ᵗ⊢ᵈ T.
apply trans_wl_wf_ss in H as Hwfss.
Expand All @@ -1763,14 +1763,14 @@ Proof with eauto using binds_ss_to_denv_binds_ss, binds_tvar_ss_binds_ss_to_denv
- eapply wf_ss_binds_mono_typ; eauto.

Lemma trans_wl_a_mono_typ_d_mono_typ : forall Γ Ω θ Aᵃ Aᵈ,
Lemma trans_wl_a_mono_typ_d_mono_typ : forall Γ Ω θ Tᵃ Tᵈ,
nil ⊩ Γ ⇝ Ω ⫣ θ ->
θ ᵗ⊩ AᵃAᵈ ->
a_mono_typ (awl_to_aenv Γ) Aᵃ ->
d_mono_typ (ss_to_denv θ) Aᵈ.
θ ᵗ⊩ TᵃTᵈ ->
a_mono_typ (awl_to_aenv Γ) Tᵃ ->
d_mono_typ (ss_to_denv θ) Tᵈ.
intros * Htranswl Htransa Hmono. eapply trans_typ_a_mono_typ_d_mono_typ; eauto.
generalize dependent Aᵈ. dependent induction Hmono; intros.
generalize dependent Tᵈ. dependent induction Hmono; intros.
- constructor.
- constructor. eapply trans_wl_a_wl_binds_tvar_ss in H; eauto.
apply binds_tvar_ss_binds_ss_to_aenv; eauto.
Expand All @@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma trans_typ_tvar_stvar_in_atyp_in_dtyp' : forall θ X Aᵃ Aᵈ,
lc_typ Aᵃ ->
θ ᵗ⊩ Aᵃ ⇝ Aᵈ ->
binds X dbind_tvar_empty θ \/ binds X dbind_stvar_empty θ ->
X ~ □ ∈ᵈ θ \/ X ~ ■ ∈ᵈ θ ->
X `in` ftvar_in_typ Aᵃ ->
X `in` ftvar_in_typ Aᵈ.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1883,8 +1883,8 @@ Lemma trans_wl_a_wf_typ_d_wf_typ' : forall Γ Ω θ Aᵃ Aᵈ,
lc_typ Aᵃ ->
nil ⊩ Γ ⇝ Ω ⫣ θ ->
θ ᵗ⊩ Aᵃ ⇝ Aᵈ ->
a_wf_typ (awl_to_aenv Γ) Aᵃ ->
d_wf_typ (dwl_to_denv Ω) Aᵈ.
⌊ Γ ⌋ᵃ ᵗ⊢ᵃ Aᵃ ->
dwl_to_denv Ω ᵗ⊢ᵈ Aᵈ.
Proof with eauto.
intros * Hlc.
generalize dependent Aᵈ.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2441,7 +2441,7 @@ Qed.

Lemma trans_typ_refl: forall θ A,
ss_to_denv θ A ->
ss_to_denv θ ᵗ⊢ᵈ A ->
wf_ss θ ->
θ ᵗ⊩ A ⇝ A.
Proof with eauto.
Expand Down

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