Greenlight is a REST API built with Go 1.23 to get movies informations. It was developed following the Let's Go Further book by Alex Edwards. It implements the following concepts:
- Configuration management
- Logging and error handling
- SQL Database connection pool
- Database migrations
- Middlewares
- Filtering, sort and pagination
- IP based rate limiting
- Graceful shutdown with OS signals
- Email sending
- Authentication and permission-based authorization
- Cross Origin Requests
- Reverse proxy with IP fowarding
To help manage and execute the project, there's a Makefile with some actions available. To list the actions and it's description you can run the following command:
$ make help
To run the make actions and adicional setups without any issue you must create a .env
file based on the .env.example.
This project use a PostgreSQL database to data persistence. A docker-compose.yaml
file is available to setup a simple postgres image. You can get and install the Docker tooling following the official documentation.
To pull the image and start the container you can run the following command:
$ docker compose up -d
To run migrations related actions it's required install the migration tool e.g:
$ cd /tmp
$ curl -L /~ | tar xvz
$ mv migrate ~/go/bin/
- julienschmidt/httprouter: A lightweight high performance HTTP request router.
- lib/pq: A pure Go postgres driver for Go's database/sql package.
- go-mail/mail: A simple and efficient package to send emails.
- tomasen/realip: A package used to get client's real public IP.