The foundation of omniparser transform operations is anchored on IDR and XPath based record
filtering and data extraction. It's vital to understand each supported file format's IDR structure to
effectively and efficiently craft XPath queries in transform_declarations
to achieve desire transform
Many times some records ingested are not suitable/desirable to be transformed into output. Omniparser, more
specifically the current latest version ("omni.2.1"
) handler, allows record level filtering using XPath
query. Let's see one example in CSV:
We want omniparser to ingest and transform records with order_id=1234,1235
and skip the line with
. To achieve this, we can insert xpath
into the root object
"transform_declarations": {
"FINAL_OUTPUT": { "xpath": ".[matches(ORDER_ID, '^[0-9]+$')]", "object": {
Let's take a look how the transform works for first data line 1234,CUST_1,US
- Omniparser reads the first line in and converts it into a CSV specific IDR tree:
Node(Type: DocumentNode) Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "ORDER_ID") Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "1234") Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "CUSTOMER_ID") Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "CUST_1") Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "COUNTRY") Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "US")
is then executed at the root of the IDR tree, and result is a match! So this line/record will be processed.
Now take a look the second line N/A
- The IDR tree looks like:
Node(Type: DocumentNode) Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "ORDER_ID") Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "N/A")
is executed at the root of the IDR tree, and result is not a match. This line/record will be skipped.
Each input format has its own unique IDR structure, record filtering XPath needs to take it into consideration to be effective.
Clever use of positive/negative regexp matches
slower but very powerful), or starts-with
, ends-with
, contains
or even direct string comparisons ==
, !=
gives schema writers the freedom of either processing certain lines/records, or skipping
certain lines/records.
doesn't have xpath
, which is fairly common, then there is no record filtering, meaning
all records ingested by omniparser file format specific readers will be processed and transformed.
The most common use of xpath
is for data extraction. Consider again the sample CSV and schema in
Record Filtering, let's amend the schema to:
"transform_declarations": {
"FINAL_OUTPUT": { "xpath": ".[matches(ORDER_ID, '^[0-9]+$')]", "object": {
"order_id": { "xpath": "ORDER_ID", "type": "int" },
"customer_id": { "xpath": "CUSTOMER_ID", "type": "int" },
"country": { "xpath": "COUNTRY" }
The xpath
attributes on "order_id"
, "customer_id"
, and "country"
tell omniparser where to get
the field string data from. When xpath
not appearing with object
, template
, or custom_func
then it is a data extraction directive telling omniparser to extract the text data at the location
specified by the xpath
query. Note in this situation, omniparser will require the result set of such
queries to be of a single node: if such xpath
query results in more than one node, omniparser
will fail the current record transform (but will continue onto the next one as this isn't considered fatal).
Whether xpath
is used for record filtering or data extraction/anchoring, it's always good to know the
current IDR tree "cursor" position against which an xpath
query, if present, will be executed.
The current "cursor" position when a transform of FINAL_OUTPUT
starts is always at the top of an IDR tree.
So record filtering FINAL_OUTPUT.xpath
is always executed against the root fo the IDR tree. The "cursor"
position remains unchanged until a new anchoring xpath
is encountered. Typically, schema writers will need
to change cursor anchoring positions more often in hierarchical file formats, such as EDI/JSON/XML, than
"flat" file formats, like fixed-length or CSV.
Let's take a look at a sample schema for JSON input:
1 "transform_declarations": {
2 "FINAL_OUTPUT": { "xpath": "/publishers/*", "object": {
3 "authors": { "array": [ { "xpath": "books/*/author" } ] },
4 "book_titles": { "array": [ { "xpath": "books/*/title" } ] },
5 "books": { "array": [ { "xpath": "books/*", "object": {
6 "author": { "xpath": "author" },
7 "year": { "xpath": "year", "type": "int" },
8 "price": { "xpath": "price", "type": "float" },
9 "title": { "xpath": "title" }
10 }} ] },
11 "publisher": { "xpath": "name" },
12 "first_book": { "xpath": "books/*[position() = 1]", "custom_func": { "name": "copy" }},
13 "original_book_array": { "xpath": "books", "custom_func": { "name": "copy" }}
41 }}
42 }
- Line numbers are added for easier reference.
- Only
section is included here for brevity.
Consider this input:
1 {
2 "publishers": [
3 {
4 "name": "Scholastic Press",
5 "books": [
6 {
7 "title": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
8 "price": 9.99,
9 "author": "J. K. Rowling",
10 "year": 1997
11 },
12 {
13 "title": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets",
14 "price": 10.99,
15 "author": "J. K. Rowling",
16 "year": 1998
17 }
18 ]
19 }
20 }
Now let's go through the schema and input together to see how xpath
anchoring is used.
2 "FINAL_OUTPUT": { "xpath": "/publishers/*", "object": {
This is record filtering, saying, we'd like to process and transform every record matching
. In this simplified input example, there is only one JSON object matches it: it's the object starting at line 3 and finishing at line 19. With this line, the transform starts, and now the cursor is anchored at the top of this object. -
3 "authors": { "array": [ { "xpath": "books/*/author" } ] },
transform itself doesn't/may not havexpath
attribute: anarray
transform is a collection of child transforms, each of which can optionally have its ownxpath
. This schema line says,authors
in the output is an array, of which, each element is a string whose value comes from thexpath
data extractionbooks/*/author
. So with the input above, we will have"authors": [ "J. K. Rowling", "J. K. Rowling" ]
in the final output. -
4 "book_titles": { "array": [ { "xpath": "books/*/title" } ] },
Very similar to
output above,book_titles
output will be like:"book_titles": [ "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" ]
in the final output. -
5 "books": { "array": [ { "xpath": "books/*", "object": {
Similar to
above, what this line says is,books
in the output should be an array of objects, each of which, the IDR cursor should be anchored onbooks/*
for its processing and transform. In other words, omniparser will anchor the IDR cursor on the JSON object from line 6 through line 11 for the first array element object transform, and then anchor on the JSON object from line 12 through line 17 for the second array element object transform. -
6 "author": { "xpath": "author" },
and through line 9 Recall in 4., omniparser has put the cursor on actual book object. Now line 6 through line 9 simply extract string values from the object and put into the corresponding output fields. -
12 "first_book": { "xpath": "books/*[position() = 1]", "custom_func": { "name": "copy" }},
This is an interesting schema construct: we want
in the output to be a direct copy of the first book object inside input'sbooks
JSON array."xpath": "books/*[position() = 1]"
achieves the "only first book object" filtering."custom_func": { "name": "copy" }
achieves the direct copying.As you notice,
transform can have (optional)xpath
attribute as well. Ifxpath
is present for acustom_func
, then everything inside thecustom_func
, namely those argument transforms, are all anchored on the cursor position prescribed by thexpath
When xpath
is used for anchoring and cursoring, it can appear with object
, template
, and custom_func
While xpath
is the most commonly used filtering, anchoring and data extraction directive in schemas, it (the
query itself) is completely static, meaning the query is fixed and static at schema writing time, thus can't
be used where data dependent runtime dynamic query is needed.
Consider the following sample input:
"line_items": [
"product": {
"variant": {
"option2": "Blue",
"option1": "M"
"options": [
"index": 2,
"name": "color/pattern",
"values": [
"index": 1,
"name": "Size",
"values": [
Notice the options
array specifies what allowed/possible options are for a product and then in variant
of product
, it specifies what actual options are included.
The sample schema:
"transform_declarations": {
"FINAL_OUTPUT": { "xpath": "/*", "object": {
"order_info": { "object": {
"order_items": { "array": [
{ "xpath": "line_items/*", "object": {
"color": { "xpath_dynamic": {
"custom_func": {
"name": "concat",
"args": [
{ "const": "product/variant/option" },
{ "xpath": "product/options/*[name='color/pattern']/index" }
"size": { "xpath_dynamic": {
"custom_func": {
"name": "concat",
"args": [
{ "const": "product/variant/option" },
{ "xpath": "product/options/*[name='Size']/index" }
The schema wants to transform optoin1
and option2
in the input into color
and size
in output. The
difficulty is how to figure out optoin1
is mapped to color
and option2
to size
. If we look at the
input's options
array, it says "index": 1
is for size and "index": 2
is for color. To extract data
for color
field in the output, we need to dynamically construct an XPath query by
+ product/options/*[name='color/pattern']/index
. Similar XPath construction is
needed for size
field data extraction.
is used in such a situation. It basically says, unlike xpath
is always a constant and static
string value, xpath_dynamic
is computed, by either custom_func
, or template
, or external
, or
, or another xpath
direct data extraction.
can be used everywhere xpath
is used, except on FINAL_OUTPUT
can only
use xpath
Everytime when an xpath
or xpath_dynamic
query is executed against an IDR node (and its subtree), the
result is always a set of nodes: could be an empty set, or a set of one node, or a set of multiple nodes.
Depending on which transform is in play, different outcomes, including error, can follow.
used alone, aka data extraction transform:- Example:
"field1": { "xpath": "PATH/TO/DATA" }
- The result set must be either empty or of a single node. When empty,
is used; when a single node is returned for the query, the node's text data will be used; when more than one node is returned, omniparser will return a transform error (non-fatal).
- Example:
:- Example:
"FINAL_OUTPUT": { "xpath": "/publishers/*", "object": {
- The result set can be either empty, or of one node, or of multiple nodes.
- Example:
used inobject
transform (other thanFINAL_OUTPUT
or directly under anarray
transform):- Example:
"contact": { "xpath": "PATH/TO/CONTACT", "object": {
- Example:
"temperature": { "xpath": "PATH/TO/TEMPERATURE", "custom_func": {
- Example:
"wind_forecast": { "xpath": "PATH/TO/WIND", "template": {
- The result set can only be either empty or of one node. Multiple node result set will cause parser error.
- Example:
used in transform that is directly underarray
transform:- Example:
"titles": { "array": [ { "xpath": "books/*/title" } ] }
- Example:
"titles": { "array": [ { "xpath": "books/*/title" }, { "xpath": "movies/*/title" } ] }
- The first example is the most commonly used scenario, that is, the
contains homogeneous element transforms. In this case, thexpath
can return empty, or one node, or multiple nodes and results will be used as the array's elements. - The second example shows the flexibility of
transform, that it can contain different transforms: one set of titles is of book titles and another set of movie titles. All titles, books' or movies', are contained by the array. Similar to the first case, bothxpath
result sets can return empty, one node or multiple nodes. All are fine and accepted by the parser.
- Example:
Omniparser relies on /~ (thank you!) for XPath query parsing and execution. Check its github page for the full syntax and function support list.