IDR == Intermediate Data Representation or In-memory Data Representation
IDR is an intermediate data structure used by omniparser ingesters to store raw data read from various formats of inputs, including CSV/txt/XML/EDI/JSON/etc, and then used by schema handlers to perform transforms. It is flexible and versatile to represent all kinds of data formats supported (or to be supported) by omniparser.
Credit: The basic data structures and various operations and algorithms used by IDR are mostly inherited/adapted from, modified based on, and inspired by works done in /~ and /~ Thank you very much!
The basic building block of an IDR is a Node
and an IDR is in fact a Node
tree. Each Node
two parts (see actual code here):
type Node struct {
ID int64
Parent, FirstChild, LastChild, PrevSibling, NextSibling *Node
Type NodeType
Data string
FormatSpecific interface{}
The first part of a Node
contains the input format agnostic fields, such as ID
, tree pointers (like
, FirstChild
, etc), Type
and Data
, which we'll explain more in details later. The second
part of a Node
is format specific data blob. The blob not only offers a place to store format specific
data it also gives IDR code and algorithms a hint on what input format the Node
is about.
We'll go through each input format we support and show what its corresponding IDR looks like. But before
we dive into format specific IDR, let's take a look what ID
is about.
During ingester reading and processing, tons of Node
will be allocated on heap causing lots of GCs. We
introduced Node
caching and recycling in this commit
to alleviate GC pressure. Prior to this, sometimes, we use the memory address of a Node
as a unique
identifier but that trick was no longer valid, since now Node
can be recycled and reused. This new int64
is added to help uniquely identify a Node
's use, whether the Node
is allocated brand new for the
use or is recycled for this use. The ID
value is monotonically increasing but it really doesn't matter - what
it matters is each "acquisition" of a new use of a Node
will be guaranteed to have a new and unique ID
Since XML is the most complex input format we have for IDR, let's cover it first.
Here is a simple XML (from this sample):
<DateTimeWithNoTZ>09/22/2020 12:34:56</DateTimeWithNoTZ>
This is a simple XML blob with no non-default namespaces and with no attributes. Its corresponding IDR
looks like this (with ID
, empty fields and tree pointers omitted for clarity):
Node(Type: DocumentNode, FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific())
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "Root", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific())
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "\n", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific())
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "JustData", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific())
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "2020/09/22", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific())
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "\n", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific())
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "DateTimeWithNoTZ", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific())
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "09/22/2020 12:34:56", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific())
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "\n", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific())
Most of the IDR is quite self-explanatory, but what about those TextNode
's with \n
as Data
? Turns
out xml.Decoder
treats anything in between two XML
element nodes as text, as long as the two elements are not directly adjacent to each other. Since
there is a newline '\n'
after the XML element <Root>
and before <JustDate>
, the '\n'
is captured
as a TextNode
Also note in this simple case, each of the Node
has an empty but none-nil FormatSpecific
, typed as
. XMLSpecific
contains XML namespace information for each of the node,
which we'll see in the next example:
<lb0:library xmlns:lb0="uri://something">
<book title="Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone">
<author>J. K. Rowling</author>
In this example, we'll see how IDR deals with XML namespaces, as well as attributes.
The IDR for the example above looks like the following (note those "dummy" text nodes sprinkled
in between element nodes are omitted here for clarity; also not including empty XMLSpecific
Node(Type: DocumentNode)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "library", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific(NamespacePrefix: "lb0", NamespaceURI: "uri://something"))
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "books", FormatSpecific: XMLSpecific(NamespacePrefix: "lb0", NamespaceURI: "uri://something"))
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "book")
Node(Type: AttributeNode, Data: "title")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "author")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "J. K. Rowling")
Both Node
's representing <lb0:library>
and <lb0:books>
include non-empty XMLSpecific
's which
contain their namespace prefixes and full URIs while their Node.Data
contain the element names without
the namespace prefixes.
Note XML attributes on elements are represented as Node
's as well, with Type: AttributeNode
specifically. If an attribute is namespace-prefixed, the AttributeNode
typed Node
will have a non-empty
set as well. An attribute's actual value is placed as a TextNode
underneath its ElementNode
's are guaranteed to be placed before any other child nodes (TextNode
, or ElementNode
by IDR's XML reader.
Here is a sample JSON (adapted from this sample):
"order_id": "1234567",
"items": [
"number_purchased": 5
"item_price": 3.99
"refundable": false
"refund_id": null
Its corresponding IDR looks like this (with ID
, and tree pointers omitted for clarity):
Node(Type: DocumentNode, FormatSpecific: JSONRoot|JSONObj)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "order_id", FormatSpecific: JSONProp)
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "1234567", FormatSpecific: JSONValueStr)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "items", FormatSpecific: JSONProp|JSONArr)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "", FormatSpecific: JSONObj)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "number_purchased", FormatSpecific: JSONProp)
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "5", FormatSpecific: JSONValueNum)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "", FormatSpecific: JSONObj)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "item_price", FormatSpecific: JSONProp)
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "3.99", FormatSpecific: JSONValueNum)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "refundable", FormatSpecific: JSONProp)
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "false", FormatSpecific: JSONValueBool)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "refund_id", FormatSpecific: JSONProp)
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "", FormatSpecific: JSONValueNull)
For JSON IDR, the FormatSpecific
field contains JSONType
. JSONType
are a bunch of
bit-wise flags that can be combined: in this example above, the root flag is JSONRoot|JSONObj
because it
is the root at the same time, it is an object. If we have a JSON looks like this:
Then the root flag would be JSONRoot|JSONArr
. Such combination can also be seen on items
field: its
flag is JSONProp|JSONArr
, indicating items
is a property of array value.
Similar to XML case, values (string/number/boolean/null) are added as TextNode
and anchored below its
corresponding ElementNode
Here is a sample CSV (adapted from this sample):
2019/01/31T12:34:56-0800|10.5|30.2|N|33|note 1|37.7749|122.4194|12/4/6
The omniparser builtin CSV reader will only return data rows as IDR trees, so for this example, the row 2 will be returned as:
Node(Type: DocumentNode)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "DATE")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "2019/01/31T12:34:56-0800")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "HIGH_TEMP_C")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "10.5")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "LOW_TEMP_F")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "30.2")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "WIND_DIR")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "N")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "WIND_SPEED_KMH")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "33")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "NOTE")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "note 1")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "LAT")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "37.7749")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "LONG")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "122.4194")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "UV_INDEX")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "12/4/6")
Note some of the ElementNode.Data
values are from its
to avoid column name containing space, which isn't xpath query friendly.
Here is snippet from a sample EDI:
ISA*00* *00* *02*CPC *ZZ*00602679321 *191103*1800*U*00401*000001644*0*P*>
Note EDI content, while itself is "flat", is inherently hierarchical (like XML) and its hierarchical structure needs to be described in an accompanying schema. For this example, here is a snippet of the related schema:
"segment_declarations": [
"name": "ISA",
"child_segments": [
"name": "GS",
"child_segments": [
"name": "scanInfo", "type": "segment_group", "min": 0, "max": -1, "is_target": true,
"child_segments": [
"name": "N4",
"elements": [
{ "name": "cityName", "index": 1 },
{ "name": "provinceCode", "index": 2 },
{ "name": "postalCode", "index": 3 },
{ "name": "countryCode", "index": 4 }
The omniparser builtin EDI reader constructs the following IDR node(s) for each segment of data:
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "ISA")
This "ISA"
IDR element node contains no children.
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "N4")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "cityName")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "HAMMER")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "provinceCode")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "AB")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "postalCode")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "T0C1Z0")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "countryCode")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "CA")
This "N4"
IDR element node contains multiple child element nodes for each of the element appearances
in the EDI content.
In fixed-length files, we have the concept of an 'envelope'. An envelope can contain a single line of text, or a fixed number of consecutive lines, or multiple lines grouped together by a header and a footer. An envelope is the basic unit of record which the fixed-length reader returns to the parser.
Here is a sample single-line-envelope TXT (adapted from this sample):
2019/01/31T12:34:56-0800 10.5 30.2 N 33 37.7749 122.4194
The omniparser builtin fixed-length reader returns a fixed-length envelope as a IDR tree:
Node(Type: ElementNode)
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "DATE")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "2019/01/31T12:34:56-0800")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "HIGH_TEMP_C")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "10.5")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "LOW_TEMP_F")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "30.2")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "WIND_DIR")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "N")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "WIND_SPEED_KMH")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "33")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "LAT")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "37.7749")
Node(Type: ElementNode, Data: "LONG")
Node(Type: TextNode, Data: "122.4194")