- Client and server.
- Support websocket and http.
- Full support for JSON-RPC 2.0 (including auto-incrementing request IDs)
Originally created by jershell / QuickResto. (original Github repo)
Some updates written by Privex Inc. (Privex's simple-jsonrpc fork repo)
For usage in browsers, you can quickly add it to your web application from Privex's CDN - which hosts both the latest Git version (master) of the library, along with official tagged release versions for safe production use.
<script src="https://cdn.privex.io/lib/simple-jsonrpc/master/simple-jsonrpc-js.min.js"></script>
// Create a Simple-JsonRPC object which can call HTTP JSON-RPC queries against the remote server https://rpc.example.com
var jrpc = simple_jsonrpc.connect_xhr('https://rpc.example.com');
// Equivelent to: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_account","id":1,"params":["johndoe"]}
jrpc.call('get_account', ['johndoe']).then(function(res) {
console.log("User ID:", res.id);
console.log("User Email:", res.email);
console.log("User Name:", res.full_name);
// Equivelent to: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"find_posts","id":2,"params":{"tag":"python","author":"jane.doe"}}
jrpc.call('find_posts', {tag: 'python', author: 'jane.doe'}).then(function(posts) {
for (var p of posts) {
console.log("Post title:", p.title)
console.log("Post tags:", p.tags)
console.log("Post content:", p.content)
// Equivelent to: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"status","id":3}
jrpc.call('status').then(function(status) {
For safe production usage, you should use a versioned release of the library, with asset integrity attributes like so:
<script src="https://cdn.privex.io/lib/simple-jsonrpc/1.0.0/simple-jsonrpc-js.min.js"
Privex's CDN regularly publishes integrity hashes for the JS and CSS files they host, along with script/link tags with the integrity
attributes pre-configured for easy copy pasting: https://cdn.privex.io/integrity.txt (CTRL-F for simple-jsonrpc
You can install this package either with
bower install simple-jsonrpc-js
# Installing simple-jsonrpc-js with Yarn (https://yarnpkg.com/)
yarn install simple-jsonrpc-js
# If you don't have / don't want to use Yarn, you can install using NPM normally
npm install simple-jsonrpc-js
# Install the 'gulp' tool globally
npm install -g gulp-cli
git clone /~https://github.com/jershell/simple-jsonrpc-js.git
cd simple-jsonrpc-js
# Install NodeJS dependencies
yarn install # or npm install
# Compile simple-jsonrpc-js.js into dist/simple-jsonrpc-js.min.js
yarn build # or npm build || or just 'gulp compress'
(over WebSocket) on server:
function add(x, y){
return x + y;
//over ws
var WebSocketServer = new require('ws');
var JsonRPC = require('simple-jsonrpc-js');
var webSocketServer = new WebSocketServer.Server({
host: '',
port: 8090
}).on('connection', function(ws) {
var jrpc = new JsonRPC();
ws.jrpc = jrpc;
ws.jrpc.toStream = function(message){
ws.on('message', function(message) {
jrpc.on('add', ['x', 'y'], add);
jrpc.on('mul', ['x', 'y'], function(x, y){
return x*y;
var item_id = 120;
jrpc.on('create', ['item', 'rewrite'], function(item, rewrite){
item_id ++;
item.id = item_id;
return item;
jrpc.call('view.setTitle', ["JSONRPC over ws"]);
And on client:
var jrpc = new simple_jsonrpc();
var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8090");
//wait of call
jrpc.on('view.setTitle', function(title){
document.getElementsByClassName('title')[0].innerHTML = title;
socket.onmessage = function(event) {
jrpc.toStream = function(_msg){
socket.onerror = function(error) {
console.error("Error: " + error.message);
socket.onclose = function(event) {
if (event.wasClean) {
console.info('Connection close was clean');
} else {
console.error('Connection suddenly close');
console.info('close code : ' + event.code + ' reason: ' + event.reason);
//after connect
socket.onopen = function(){
jrpc.call('add', [2, 3]).then(function (result) {
document.getElementsByClassName('paragraph')[0].innerHTML += 'add(2, 3) result: ' + result + '<br>';
jrpc.call('mul', {y: 3, x: 2}).then(function (result) {
document.getElementsByClassName('paragraph')[0].innerHTML += 'mul(2, 3) result: ' + result + '<br>';
{call:{method: "add", params: [5,2]}},
{call:{method: "mul", params: [100, 200]}},
{call:{method: "create", params: {item: {foo: "bar"}, rewrite: true}}}
More examples in directory
call(methodName, params)
- Remote method invocation. Returned promise
notification(methodName, params)
- Remote method invocation without response object
- batch invocation. Returned promise
on(methodName, paramsName, handler)
- Registration local method for incommig invocation
- disable method for incommig invocation
customException(code, message, data)
- return exception with implementation-defined server-errors
- All incoming messages must be passed as a parameter. Returned promise
- The property, a function pointer. It is necessary to determine before use. Will be called for send a message to the remote host
- allow to set default result of locally called function if it returns undefined
usage example:
jrpc.undefinedResult = null; // or false, or whatever
jrpc.on('find', function(key) {
if (db.exists(key))
return db.get(key);
// If there is nothing found then just return nothing
- NodeJS <= 8.11.4 (if using within a NodeJS app, or compiling) || Latest browser (if using client side)
- (Optional) promise-polyfill for OLD versions of NodeJS and certain older browsers