Given an integer array A[0..n), the prefix-sum problem asks for a data structure built from A that supports for any 0 ≤ i < n:
- sum(i) = A[0] + ... + A[i];
- update(i, x) which sets A[i] to A[i] + x.
- access(i) = A[i].
The library implements the following solutions to solve the problem.
- binary Segment-Tree (top-down and bottom-up)
- b-ary Segment-Tree (b > 2)
- Fenwick-Tree
- b-ary Fenwick-Tree
- blocked Fenwick-Tree with blocks of b keys
- truncated Fenwick-Tree with blocks of leaves of b keys
For a description and anlysis of all these data structures, see the paper Practical Trade-Offs for the Prefix-Sum Problem (SPE 2020).
Please, cite the paper if you use this library.
The code is tested on Linux with gcc
7.4 and 9.2.1; on Mac 10.14 with clang
10.0.0 and 11.0.0.
To build the code, CMake
is required.
Clone the repository with
git clone --recursive /~
If you have cloned the repository without --recursive
, you will need to perform the following commands before
git submodule init
git submodule update
To compile the code for a release environment (see file CMakeLists.txt
for the used compilation flags), it is sufficient to do the following:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
By default, SIMD AVX instructions are enabled (flag -DDISABLE_AVX=Off
). If you want to
disable them (although your compiler has proper support), you can compile with
cmake .. -DDISABLE_AVX=On
make -j
For the best of performance, we recommend compiling with (default configuration):
make -j
For a testing environment, use the following instead:
mkdir debug_build
cd debug_build
make -j
To benchmark the running time of sum and update for the disired data structure, use the program src/perf
. Running the program
without arguments will show what arguments are required.
(See also the file src/perf.cpp
for a list of available
data structure types.)
Below we show some examples.
The command
./perf ft sum
will benchmark the speed of sum queries for the Fenwick Tree data structure (ft
), by varying the size of the input array from 250 to 1,000,000,000.
The command
./perf sts_256 update -i 40
will benchmark the speed of updates for the SIMD Segment Tree
with branching factor 256 (sts_256
) for an array
of size floor((1.25893)^40) = 2,511,886.
The unit tests are written using doctest.
After compilation, it is advised to run the unit tests with:
make test