nSpired was created to offer a platform specifically to meeting goals independently, while connecting and sharing with others who want to achieve the same.
Science has proven time and time again that by surrounding yourself with others who have the same goals as you, you:
- are held accountable to a new standard
- can motivate others with your progress
- can gain insight from others who are further along in their progress
- may discover new goals that you would like to meet along the way
This server-side app was created with:
➖MiddleWare Used🔻
➖➖Auth-Router w JWT
➖➖Check for Goal Function
➖➖Advice Prep Function
➖➖Check for User Info
➖BASE URL: /api
➖➖*/advice/:goalId* (GET, POST, DELETE)
In the project directory, you can run:
npm start
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
npm test
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
npm run dev
Runs the app through a development server.
npm run migrate
Migrate tables in local database
npm run migrate:test
Migrate tables in local test database
heroku create
to create remote server (will need heroku account - see this link for info https://devcenter.heroku.com/categories/command-line)
npm run deploy
- Run NPM audit
- Migrate tables in production server
- Push latest commit to Heroku main branch of created app