PWM is an open source password self service application for LDAP directories. PWM is an ideal candidate for organizations that wish to “roll their own” password self service solution, but do not wish to start from scratch.
This ansible role eases the implementation of the pwm software. Installation based off of this documentation: /~
Ubuntu and debian OS supported python-ldap package required: install is handled in the role if you don't already have it
- misc
: kicks off a java program to configure PWM. So we need to know where JAVA_HOME is. Default:/usr
: PWM is a java app deployed to tomcat. This is the directory that your tomcat instance folders are held in. Default upon tomcat installation is:/var/lib
: Folder name for the instance you want pwm to be deployed to. default istomcat8
: Right now this role only supports nginx as the reverse proxypwm_site_config
: Where your server config is located. Default:/etc/{{ pwm_HTTP_server }}/sites-available/pwm.conf
: At this point this role doesn't configure a reverse proxy from scratch, it assumed you already have one. Default:true
- LDAP specific
: This role only supports openldap at this timepwm_ldap_domain
: Your ldap should already be setup, if not you can use tiedtoastar.openldap-debian to do so. Newly registered users will reside in this subtree also. Default="dc=example,dc=com"
: Specify which subtree contains your users for PWM. Defaultou=people,{{ pwm_ldap_domain }}
: Specify the group of users that you want to administer PWM configs via the web. Defaultcn=pwmwebadmins,ou=groups,{{ pwm_ldap_domain }}
: A test user is used by PWM to monitor functionality such as the ability for the software to change passwords, etc. The test user will be created for you by this rolepwm_ldap_bind_user
: The account that is used to allow PWM to communicate with your ldap. Default:cn=pwm-ldap-service,ou=machineaccounts,{{ pwm_ldap_domain }}
: the type of database your ldap is using. Default:mdb
: list of urls for PWM to connect to. Note that PWM does support LDAP clustering. The testuser is used to determine which ldap servers are available to be included in the cluster. Default:ldap://
- DB specific
: PWM stores user information in a database.LOCALDB
is the only one that has been test. But a remote RDBMS should work- Other db parameters referenced in the PWM config are included in the defaults, but I have not tested them.
- App server specific
: The directory in which the PWM config files are stored. Default:/opt/pwm
- PWM specific
: The release that you would like to download and configure. Default: 1.9.1pwm_new_account_registration
: Whether you want to allow new users to register. Default:true
- New users can register here:
- The default profile is used for creating new accounts.
- The default config only requires new users to specify a username AND captcha is not required
: Default:
: The security key needs to be at a minimum 32 chars in length. You have to provide the key when changing the configs within PWM. Default:ChangeMe
: Where you want your users to be redirected to after they have registered. Default:
: Important password that is used to modify the PWM config via the web interface, even while logged in as an admin, you will be prompted for this password. Default:SecurelyChangeMe
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: all
become: true
- role: tiedtoastar.ansible-role-pwm
pwm_ldap_domain: dc=example,dc=com
pwm_site_config: /etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx.conf
pwm_new_account_registration: false
pwm_securitykey: Blah1234
pwm_config_pwd: SecurelyChangeMe
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