This is a sample project that creates a local virtual machine and installs Spark and SBT.
It also includes a simple application to demonstrate connecting to a Scala class from the Spark Python shell.
1- Clone the source be sure to include submodules!
$> git clone --recursive /~
2- Create the VM: vagrant up
3- Log into the VM: vagrant ssh
4- Package the dependency:
$> cd /vagrant/apps
$> sbt package
5- Start Pyspark with the dependency in classpath
$> cd /opt/spark
$> ./bin/pyspark --driver-class-path /vagrant/apps/target/scala-2.10/helloworld_2.10-1.0.jar
6- Try it out:
pyspark>>> hello =
pyspark>>> rdd = hello.getRDDFromSC(sc._jsc)
pyspark>>> rdd
JavaObject id=XXX
Submitting a python job which references the Scala class will work as follows:
1- Perform the tasks from the previous sequence until Step #5
2- Instead of step 5, do the following:
/opt/spark$>./bin/spark-submit --jars /vagrant/apps/target/scala-2.10/helloworld_2.10-1.0.jar /vagrant/apps/
You should see in the log output something like this: with timestamp XXXXXXXXX
Note the HelloWorld class is loaded differently within the Spark application.
import pyspark
from py4j.java_gateway import java_import
sc = pyspark.SparkContext(master='local[*]',
helperClass ="place.sparkdome.HelloWorld")
helper = helperClass.newInstance()
print helper.getRDDFromSC(sc._jsc)