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3scale GitOps tutorial/demo using Red Hat OpenShift GitOps with Kustomize

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3scale Configuration - GitOps Tutorial

The following tutorial provide steps on leveraging GitOps to configure 3scale using 3scale CRs (Product, Backend CRs etc.)

Instructions are inspired from the /~ repository. Additionally, the GitOps approach is implemented using Red Hat OpenShift GitOps with kustomize.


Install Red Hat OpenShift GitOps

Install Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator from the OperatorHub in the OCP webconsole

This will automatically create

  • openshift-gitops namespace
  • ArgoCD CR with the name openshift-gitops in openshift-gitops namespace. ArgoCD CR creates a bunch of deployments. These deployments together make ArgoCD application
  • AppProject CR with the name default in openshift-gitops namespace.

Login to Red Hat OpenShift GitOps

Navigate to the openshift-gitops namespace and click on the route URL of openshift-gitops-server

You can login to OpenShift GitOps using the admin user that comes with ArgoCD deployment

Find the password for the admin in openshift-gitops-cluster secret in openshift-gitops namespace.

Create password secret for tenant creation

Create a secret which holds the password that will be used to login to the tenants. The 3scale operator will use this secret to set up the login credentials of the tenants.

oc project 3scale-amp
oc apply -f 3scale/tenants/tenant-admin-secret.yaml

Create Tenants in different projects

We will be creating 3 different tenants (development, testing and production) in 3 different projects.

Development Tenant

Create the threescale-development project on your OCP cluster

oc apply -f 3scale/namespaces/development-namespace.yaml

Edit the tenant CR to replace the placeholder openshift domain url with that of your cluster

sed 's/apps.*eu/<Replace with your OpenShift cluster application domain URI>/g' 3scale/tenants/tenant-development.yaml > temp.yml && mv temp.yml 3scale/tenants/tenant-development.yaml


sed 's/apps.*eu/' 3scale/tenants/tenant-development.yaml > temp.yml && mv temp.yml 3scale/tenants/tenant-development.yaml

Create the development tenant

oc apply -f 3scale/tenants/tenant-development.yaml

Testing Tenant

Create the threescale-testing project on your OCP cluster

oc apply -f 3scale/namespaces/testing-namespace.yaml

Edit the tenant CR to replace the placeholder openshift domain url with that of your cluster

sed 's/apps.*eu/<Replace with your OpenShift cluster application domain URI>/g' 3scale/tenants/tenant-testing.yaml > temp.yml && mv temp.yml 3scale/tenants/tenant-testing.yaml


sed 's/apps.*eu/' 3scale/tenants/tenant-testing.yaml > temp.yml && mv temp.yml 3scale/tenants/tenant-testing.yaml

Create the testing tenant

oc apply -f 3scale/tenants/tenant-testing.yaml

Production Tenant

Create the threescale-production project on your OCP cluster

oc apply -f 3scale/namespaces/production-namespace.yaml

Edit the tenant CR to replace the placeholder openshift domain url with that of your cluster

sed 's/apps.*eu/<Replace with your OpenShift cluster application domain URI>/g' 3scale/tenants/tenant-production.yaml > temp.yml && mv temp.yml 3scale/tenants/tenant-production.yaml


sed 's/apps.*eu/' 3scale/tenants/tenant-production.yaml > temp.yml && mv temp.yml 3scale/tenants/tenant-production.yaml

Create the production tenant

oc apply -f 3scale/tenants/tenant-production.yaml

Enabling RBAC

Create cluster role to create, update, delete 3scale CRs

NOTE: OpenShift cluster-admin privilege is required.

oc apply -f rbac/gitops-threescale-access_clusterrole.yaml

Assign the cluster role to the openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller service account in all of the projects where the 3scale tenants are deployed so that the ArgoCD Application can apply the desired configurations:

oc adm policy add-role-to-user gitops-threescale-access system:serviceaccount:openshift-gitops:openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n threescale-development
oc adm policy add-role-to-user gitops-threescale-access system:serviceaccount:openshift-gitops:openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n threescale-testing
oc adm policy add-role-to-user gitops-threescale-access system:serviceaccount:openshift-gitops:openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n threescale-production

Connect the git repository

Configure the repositories to be connected by the ArgoCD application

  1. Click Manage your repositories, projects, settings icon on the left panel of the ArgoCD console
  2. Click Repositories
  3. Click either Connect repo using SSH OR Connect repo using HTTPS and fill in the form as shown below and click CONNECT. Make sure it is SUCCESSFUL.

Create ArgoCD Application

Create the ArgoCD Application for all the three environments/tenants.

oc apply -f gitops/application_threescale-dev.yaml -n openshift-gitops
oc apply -f gitops/application_threescale-test.yaml -n openshift-gitops
oc apply -f gitops/application_threescale-prod.yaml -n openshift-gitops

Three ArgoCD applications (threescale-dev , threescale-test and threescale-prod) are created.

Deploy the Library Books API backend services

  1. Create the library-apis-dev, library-apis-test and library-apis namespaces:
    oc apply -f library-books-api/library-apis_namespaces.yaml
  2. Deploy the two versions of the Library Books API to be secured by 3scale:
    oc -n library-apis-dev apply -f library-books-api/books-api-v1.yaml
    oc -n library-apis-dev apply -f library-books-api/books-api-v2.yaml
    oc -n library-apis-test apply -f library-books-api/books-api-v1.yaml
    oc -n library-apis-test apply -f library-books-api/books-api-v2.yaml
    oc -n library-apis apply -f library-books-api/books-api-v1.yaml
    oc -n library-apis apply -f library-books-api/books-api-v2.yaml

3scale CRs

3scale CRs required for this tutorial are in the 3scale/library-books-api directory. These include ActiveDoc, Backend, Product and ProxyConfigPromote 3scale Operator capabilities to secure the Library Books APIs

GitOps in action

Login to the 3scale admin portal of the development tenant with username=admin and password=openshift.

You should only have the default APIunder the products menu. In subsequent steps Argo CD will pick up the configurations from the GitHub repository and apply it to your development environment.

The GitOps application is configured to sync manually. But, it can be changed to sync automatically i.e. changes committed to git repo are automatically applied to 3scale.

Go to the GitOps console using the route URL it creates as openshift-gitops-server in openshift-gitops namespace.

Navigate to the openshift-gitops namespace and click on the route URL of openshift-gitops-server

You can login to OpenShift GitOps using the admin user that comes with ArgoCD deployment

Find the password for the admin in openshift-gitops-cluster secret in openshift-gitops namespace.

Click Manage Application icon on the left panel of the ArgoCD console. You will then see 3 applications for the three 3scale tenants.

Let's first work with the development tenant which is managed by the threescale-dev application as shown below

Click SYNC and SYNCHRONIZE as shown below to synch the 3scale CRs

Once synced then the application should look as below

Go to the 3scale Admin Portal of the development tenant and observe that the Library Books API product, the books-api-v1 Backend backend and books-api-v2 Backend backend are configured as shown below (refresh the browser if you can't see it automatically)

Repeat the SYNC and SYNCHRONIZE steps for the threescale-test and threescale-prod applications, sequentially, and then verify that the changes are reflected in the respective tenants.

GitOps in Action Part 1 - Pushing Changes to the Dev Environment

Now, let's try to modify the product CR. For example, let's increase the get-books-v2 operation rate limits to 50 requests/minute on the v2-basic plan in the development environment.

We will be leveraging kustomize overlays in order to promote changes across the development, testing and production environments.

v2-basic plan rate limits in the product base (5 requests/minute):

  1. Create a file named plans-rate-limiting.yaml in the ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/dev/products/ directory with the following content:

    kind: Product
      name: library-books-api
      name: Library Books API
          name: v2-basic
          - period: eternity
            value: 0
              systemName: get-books-v1
          - period: minute
            value: 50
              systemName: get-books-v2

  2. Edit the ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/dev/kustomization.yaml file to add the plans-rate-limiting.yaml file in the list of patches to be applied on the base product.

    kind: Kustomization
      name: 3scale
    - ../../base
    - backends/books-api-v1.yaml
    - backends/books-api-v2.yaml
    - products/oidc-authentication-endpoint.yaml
    - products/plans-rate-limiting.yaml
    - activedocs/library-books-api.yaml

  3. Commit and push the changes:

    git add 3scale/library-books-api/overlays/dev/products/plans-rate-limiting.yaml 3scale/library-books-api/overlays/dev/kustomization.yaml
    git commit -m "Increased v2-basic plan Rate Limits to 50 requests/minute in DEV"
    git push -v -u origin
  4. Navigate to the Gitops console and refresh the threescale-dev app.

    The threescale-dev app should be out of sync after the refresh.

  5. SYNC and SYNCHRONIZE the app.

The v2-basic plan Rate Limit Changes should now be reflected in the development tenant

GitOps in Action Part 2 - Promoting Changes To The Test Environment

Promoting the changes to the Test environment is a matter of copying the modified files to the ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/test/ directory and then pushing the changes.

cp ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/dev/products/plans-rate-limiting.yaml ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/test/products/plans-rate-limiting.yaml
cp ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/dev/kustomization.yaml ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/test/kustomization.yaml
git add 3scale/library-books-api/overlays/test/products/plans-rate-limiting.yaml 3scale/library-books-api/overlays/test/kustomization.yaml
git commit -m "Promote v2-basic plan Rate Limits change to testing"
git push -v -u origin

The threescale-test app should be out of sync after the Refresh.

SYNC and SYNCHRONIZE the app. The v2-basic plan Rate Limit Changes should now be reflected in the testing tenant.

GitOps in Action Part 3 - Promoting Changes To The Prod Environment

In the same way, promoting the changes to the Prod environment is a matter of copying the modified files to the ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/prod/ directory and then pushing the changes.

cp ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/test/products/plans-rate-limiting.yaml ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/prod/products/plans-rate-limiting.yaml
cp ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/test/kustomization.yaml ./3scale/library-books-api/overlays/prod/kustomization.yaml
git add 3scale/library-books-api/overlays/prod/products/plans-rate-limiting.yaml 3scale/library-books-api/overlays/prod/kustomization.yaml
git commit -m "Promote v2-basic plan Rate Limits change to production"
git push -v -u origin

The threescale-prod app should be out of sync after the Refresh.

SYNC and SYNCHRONIZE the app. The v2-basic plan Rate Limit Changes should now be reflected in the production tenant.


3scale GitOps tutorial/demo using Red Hat OpenShift GitOps with Kustomize







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