Lightweight, cross platform app to efficiently watch a set of files and/or directories recursively for changes on Linux and MacOS.
File and directory creation, deletion and attribute changes are reported. Output is one absolute path per line e.g.:
$ cd ~
$ git clone /~
$ cd jp-watch-c
$ clang -O3 -framework CoreServices -o jp-watch jp-watch.c
$ sudo mv jp-watch /usr/local/bin
$ jp-watch --help
$ cd ~
$ git clone /~
$ cd jp-watch-c
$ gcc -O3 -o jp-watch jp-watch.c
$ sudo mv jp-watch /usr/local/bin
$ jp-watch --help
Watch the local directory
$ jp-watch .
Watch the whole drive
$ jp-watch /
Watch a few different files and directories with a combination of relative and absolute paths
$ jp-watch jp-watch.c /var/www /tmp
is not designed to watch a large number (hundreds or thousands) of different directories. The more files and directories you pass as parameters, the more cpu and memory the app will consume with a difficulty of O(1). It would be better to watch the containing directories of the files and directories you want to watch instead.
Read my blog post for the full details on this tools, it's design and implementation.