The confluence-survey-plugin is as the name implies a plugin for Atlassian Confluence. Started quite a long time back for compatibility to 2.1.4 to the very latest 5.5++. The latest compatibility can be accessed within the Marketplace @
Since Version 1.2.9 the Macro Browser is quite comfortably described to use, but you are welcome to read the documentation in the wiki at: /~
This file is merely a placeholder for the wiki documentation.
The plugin is a maven artifact and therefore can be built with Apache Maven 3.0+ and JDK 7. (Limited by the availablity of newer Atlassian Plugins, they still build with Maven 2 and jdk 1.6)
I am a back end developer, yes i am also annoyed with page reloads, but currently that is the best which can be done as there are quite some features to be implemented and changing the frontend behaviour is quite a overhaul.
The Plugin originated in 2006 and was taken over for maintenance in 2008, that time it was quite unsupported.
I maintained it until i had no personal access to a productive confluence installation anymore (2011).
As in 2012 the JIRA Studio at Atlassian closed its doors i had to find another location. Welcome GitHub ;) In June 2013 i had quite some inquiries to carry on, so i am currently evaluating some things (compatibility, documentation, maybe features).
Main focus is maintenance, test coverage and support.
If someone feels to help out, feel free to contact me.