This is a module to graph issue dependencies with graphviz's dot. This just takes care of visualizing the data with dot, and expects all data to be fed into it. It is meant to work with /~
This module is in a super basic state. It just gets the basic transformation there.
- basic digraph dot output
- make it work on a single issue
- make it streaming (would be nice for large graphs)
- test output on the browser with emscripten graphviz
- use deps + closed status to color the graph (automated ready / blocked)
- show other info
- gather + show status (open/closed) (as color, maybe?)
- gather + show labels
- gather + show assignee
- gather + show (progress pipeline label {backlog, ready, blocked, done})
> issue-dep-dot /~
digraph deps {
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_12 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/12"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_11 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/11"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_10 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/10"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_9 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/9"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_8 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/8"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_7 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/7"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_4 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/4"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_5 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/5"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_6 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/6"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_3 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/3"];
noffle_ipget_18 [label="noffle/ipget/18"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_2 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/2"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_1 [label="noffle/github-dependency-crawl/1"];
ipfs_ipget_24 [label="ipfs/ipget/24"];
ipfs_ipget_26 [label="ipfs/ipget/26"];
ipfs_ipget_20 [label="ipfs/ipget/20"];
ipfs_ipget_21 [label="ipfs/ipget/21"];
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_7 -> noffle_github_dependency_crawl_4;
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_7 -> noffle_github_dependency_crawl_5;
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_7 -> noffle_github_dependency_crawl_6;
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_3 -> noffle_ipget_18;
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_2 -> noffle_github_dependency_crawl_3;
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_1 -> noffle_github_dependency_crawl_2;
noffle_github_dependency_crawl_1 -> noffle_github_dependency_crawl_3;
noffle_ipget_18 -> ipfs_ipget_24;
noffle_ipget_18 -> ipfs_ipget_26;
noffle_ipget_18 -> ipfs_ipget_20;
noffle_ipget_18 -> ipfs_ipget_21;
# save the dot output
> issue-dep-dot /~ >
# make an svg, and view it in your browser
> cat | dot -Tsvg >deps.svg
# or make a png, and view it in your browser
> cat | dot -Tpng >deps.png
This example is clipped because it's very wide.