A master project for advancing research in the construction industry, focusing on autonomous systems that replicate human creations using computer vision and robotics.
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List of major frameworks/libraries used for this project.
To reproduce the system, you can clone this repo:
git clone /~https://github.com/jbarciv/LegoMasters
The use of a different camera and robot will need by your side to adapt some parts of the code, but the principal will remain the same. Here we focus on the software. We asume you will take care of the hardware.
All the system has been develop on Ubuntu 20.04
. Although it has not been tested, the following process should be practically the same for Windows except for minor details. We do not assure compatibility with Windows but we believe it is easily achievable.
We recommend to create a virtual environment in which to install and rus the system.
- Create the venv:
python3 -m venv myvenv
- Activate your venv:
source myvenv/bin/activate
we recommend you to create and alias in your .bashrc
alias myvenv='source ~/the_path_to_venv_folder/myvenv/bin/activate'
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Ivonne Dayanna Quishpe Villagomez - ivonne.quishpe@alumnos.upm.es
Micaela Cabrera Guerrero - cabreramicaela3@gmail.com
Jorge Guijarro Tolon - JTlotus - jorgeguijarro10@gmail.com
Josep Mª Barberá Civera - jbarciv - chemabc@gmail.com
Here we list resources we find helpful and would like to give credit to.