By: Jaymar921
A simple Randomizer Component for react projects that can be used for raffle events. With animated scrolling effect 📜. There is also a TextLoop component which might be useful to some projects.
npm i @jaymar921/react-randomizer-component
Props | Description | default |
backgroundColor | Change the background color of the Randomizer Container that matches your site's background. | white |
textColor | Change the text color of the randomizer (shuffling text). | black |
winnerTextColor | Change the text color of the randomizer (winner text shown). | black |
command | Randomizer Command, start command will start the shuffle effect, clear command will clear the screen and ready for reshuffle, reset command reset's the items list back to original. |
empty string |
items | List<string>, data that will be used for shuffling. | [] |
duration | The duration of the shuffling effect before a winner is drawn. | 1000 in milliseconds |
completeCallback | Invoked when a winner is selected, it will pass a parameter of string , once a winner is selected, the items list will be modified, removing the selected winner in the array. |
(winner) => { /* your logic goes here */} |
fontWeight | Change the weight of the font. | 0 |
textSize | Size of the Randomizer Text in pixels. | 20 |
containerWidth | Change the width of the Randomizer Div Container. | 300 |
containerHeight | Change the height of the Randomizer Div Container. | 100 |
className | Custom className style for the Randomizer Div Container. | empty string |
speed | Change the speed of the animation. | 8 |
Props | Description | default |
backgroundColor | Change the background color of the Randomizer Container that matches your site's background. | white |
textColor | Change the text color of the randomizer (shuffling text). | black |
items | List<string>, data that will be used for text looping. | [] |
fontWeight | Change the weight of the font. | 0 |
textSize | Size of the Randomizer Text in pixels. | 20 |
containerWidth | Change the width of the Randomizer Div Container. | 300 |
containerHeight | Change the height of the Randomizer Div Container. | 100 |
className | Custom className style for the Randomizer Div Container. | empty string |
speed | Change the speed of the animation. | 3 |
reverse | Reverse the looping effect from top->down to down->top | false |
smoothEdges | Have a smooth edge effect, the color will be matched to the backgroundColor | false |
// app.jsx
import { useState } from 'react'
import './App.css'
import { Randomizer } from '@jaymar921/react-randomizer-component'
function App() {
const list = ['Jayharron', 'Rodney', 'Kenneth', 'Ada', 'Neal', 'Alyssa', 'Jhon Mark', 'Bo', 'Harold Inacay', 'Harold Cuico', 'Xerxes', 'Raph', 'CJ', 'Dylan'];
const [command, setCommand] = useState('');
const onDone = (w) => {
return (
backgroundColor='#17A14B' /* Change the Background color of the randomizer */
textColor='white' /* Change the Text color of the randomizer (shuffling part) */
winnerTextColor='red' /* Change the Text color of the randomizer (winner displayed) */
command={command} /* Randomizer command (start, reset, clear) */
items={list} /* List of items to be shuffled (array of string) */
duration={2000} /* How long will be the shuffling to effect before displaying the winner */
completeCallback={onDone} /* Invoked when a winner is selected, (winner) => { // your logic }*/
fontWeight={900} /* Weight of the font 0 - 900 | default: 0 */
textSize={50} /* Size of text in pixels | default: 20 */
containerWidth={500} /* Width of the Randomizer container | default: 300 */
containerHeight={300} /* Height of the Randomizer container | default: 100 */
className='' /* Custom className style for the Randomizer container */
<br /> <br />
<button onClick={() => {setCommand('start')}}>Start</button>
<button onClick={() => {setCommand('clear')}}>Clear</button>
<button onClick={() => {setCommand('reset')}}>Reset</button>
export default App
// app.jsx
import { useState } from 'react'
import './App.css'
import { TextLoop } from '@jaymar921/react-randomizer-component'
function App() {
const list = ['Jayharron', 'Rodney', 'Kenneth', 'Ada', 'Neal', 'Alyssa', 'Jhon Mark', 'Bo', 'Harold Inacay', 'Harold Cuico', 'Xerxes', 'Raph', 'CJ', 'Dylan'];
return (
items={list} /* List of items to be looped (array of string, supports <a href=''>string</a>) */
containerWidth={500} /* Width of the Randomizer container | default: 300 */
containerHeight={300} /* Height of the Randomizer container | default: 100 */
export default App
Github repo: react-randomizer-component