Important: Do compile the project in minimum language level @7 or using JDK 1.7 as there are some dependencies on some of the newer classes provided by Oracle.
Using CLI
javac KWIC.java
Using IDE
Set your IDE main class to start from KWIC.java in root package
- Command Line Interface that accepts file path or manual input from the user.
- Output can be chosen to be printed to the console or designated file given.
- Keywords at fully uppercased while non-keywords are in lowercase for current implementation.
###Method of Input
- Format of file input can be seen in the given sample input for titles and noise.
- Each title or noise in each file must be seperated by a new line for each noise word/title.
- For console input, titles must be seperated by new line while noise words must be seperated by spaces or comma.
- Java 7 JDK
- Recommended IDE: Jetbrains Intellij <3