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Awesome Discord Awesome

A curated list of awesome things realted to Discord.

Inspired by awesome-python


What is Discord?

Discord is a VoIP and instant messaging social platform. Users have the ability to communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called servers. A server is a collection of persistent chat rooms and voice channels which can be accessed via invite links. Discord runs on Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, iPadOS, Linux, and in web browsers. As of 2021, the service has over 350 million registered users and over 150 million monthly active users. By 2021 Discord had an estimated value of $7 billion. There have been as many as 936 million messages sent per day.

Source: Discord - Wikipedia

API Libraries

A list of the unofficial Discord API libraries.

Game SDK & RPC Bindings

A list of wrapper libraries for the Discord Game SDK & RPC.

  • RPC - A simple RPC client for Discord written in javascript.
  • discord-sdk - An open implementation of the Discord Game SDK in Rust.
  • discord-game-sdk4j - Java bindings for the Discord Game SDk.
  • discord_game_sdk - Rust bindings for the Discord Game SDK.
  • GodotDiscordSDK - A Discord Game SDK wrapper for Godot, written in C.
  • godotcord - A Discord Game SDK integration for Godot written in C++.
  • node-discord-game - The Discord Game SDK for Electron.js.
  • Discord-Game-SDK - An Unity Package Manager compatible version of the Discord Game SDK.
  • DiscordGameSDK - Unoffical Unreal Engine 4 plugin for the Discord Game SDK.
  • Discord.gml - A native extension for Discord Game SDK support in GameMaker: Studio / GMS2.
  • discord-game-sdk-python - Discord Game SDK for Python.
  • ClassiCude-RPC - A Discord Game SDK plugin for ClassiCube.
  • discord-rpc-csharp - C# custom implementation for Discord Rich Presence.
  • discord-rpc - Java wrapper of the Discord-RPC Library for Discord Rich Presence.
  • riche - A powerful library for interacting with the Discord RPC.

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Misc Resources

A list of resources that goes off with the Discord ecosystem.

  • Jishaku - A debugging and testing cog for rewrite bots.
  • Lavalink - Standalone audio sending node based on Lavaplayer.
  • Wavelink - A powerful Lavalink library for
  • Lavaplayer - An audio player library for Discord written in Java.
  • PyLav - A multifunctional Lavalink wrapper library for
  • discord-api-types - Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version written in typescript.
  • songbird - An async Rust library for the Discord voice API.
  • vscord - Fully customizable VS Code extension to get Discord Rich Presnece integration.
  • discord-vscode - Update your discord status with a rich presence.
  • discord-irc - Connects Discord and IRC channels by sending messages back and forth.
  • Sapphire - Discord bot framework built on top of discord.js.
  • hikari-lightbulb - The official unofficial command handler for the Python discord API wrapper library, Hikari.
  • Victoria - Lavalink wrapper for Discord.Net.
  • discord-components - Discord Webc-Components for real looking messages on the web.
  • discord-logo - Create your own animated Discord logo and embed it into your website.
  • Permissions Calculator - Create invite links for bots with specific permissions.
  • Snowstamp - Convert Discord Snowflakes to Timestamp.
  • Discohook - Send webhooks to Discord using a user-friendly UI.
  • Discord Embed Generator - A sandbox for making embeds.
  • - Extend your Discord profile with custom profiles.
  • - Create a custom invite for your Discord server and view join stats, etc.
  • - Create a custom invite link for your Discord bot.
  • PreMiD - PreMiD is a simple, configurable utility that allows you to show what you're doing on the web in your Discord now playing status.
  • Blob Emojis - Fun and playful Blob Emoji for Discord.
  • DiscoTools - Variety of role icons and emojis for Discord.
  • BotBlock - Simplify sending your bot's guild count with the BotBlock API.
  • DiscordIPC - Connect locally to the Discord client using IPC for a subset of RPC features like Rich Presence and Activity Join/Spectate.

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A list of Discord Bots.

Self Host-able Bots

A list of Discord Bots that can be self hosted by anyone & everyone.

  • Red-DiscordBot - A multi-functional modular Discord bot.
  • Zeppelin - Zeppelin is a moderation bot for Discord.
  • modmail - A feature rich discord Modmail bot.
  • Discord-MusicBot - An advanced discord music bot.
  • gpt-discord-bot - An example discord bot that uses the text-davinci-003 model from openai.
  • discord-tickets - A ticket management bot for Discord.
  • aoede - A self-hosted Spotify Discord music bot.
  • NadekoBot - A self-hostable general purpose Discord bot.

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Open Source Public Bots

A list of Discord Bots that are open source while serving millions of users.

  • RoboDanny - A general purpose Discord bot.
  • Loritta - A multipurpose Discord bot.
  • GiveawayBot - A Discord giveaway bot.
  • Lawliet - A multipurpose Discord bot.
  • BoobBot - A Discord NSFW bot.
  • Birthday Bot - A higly customizable birthday Discord bot.
  • Ear Tensifier - A Discord music bot.
  • Logger - A Discord bot for logging different events in your Discord server.
  • ModMail - A feature-rich Discord bot for easy communication between server staff and users.
  • Countr - A bot that can manage a counting channel in your guild.
  • Vortex - A moderation Discord bot.
  • Starboard A reliable and feature-rich starboard bot.
  • Skyra - A configurable Discord bot with fun commands, moderation, and much more.
  • poketwo - A pokemon discord bot.
  • Discord-OwO-Bot - A Discord bot that will keep track of your OwO.

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Public Bots

A list of invitable Discord bots.

  • Dyno - A general purpose discord bot.
  • DankMemer - A currency focused Discord bot.
  • Karuta - A collectible anime card game Discord bot.
  • Mudae - A collectible anime/game card Discord bot.
  • EPIC RPG - A simple RPG game Discord bot with dungeaons, armors, swords, PvP, leaderboards, gambling and memes.
  • Tatsu - A cute leveling Discord bot.
  • Mimu - A cuter aesthetic per-server money economy system Discord bot.
  • Virtual Fisher - Virtual Fisher is a discord game bot focused on fishing.
  • MELON - An all-in-one multipurpose Discord bot.

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Bot Lists

A list of public discord bot lists.

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A list of official and unofficial Discord clients.

Warning Use of "client mods" are against the Discord TOS - use at your own risk.

Note All the official clients here redirect to the Windows installer only.

  • Discord - The official Discord Client application.
  • Discord PTB - The official public test build client.
  • Discord Canary - The official canary build client.
  • Powercord - A lightweight Discord client mod focused on simplicity and performance.
  • Replugged - A maintained fork of Powercord - a lightweight Discord client mod focused on simplicity and performance.
  • BetterDiscord - BetterDiscord extends the functionality of DiscordApp by enchancing it with new features.
  • Demoncord - A Discord client mod by satanists for satanits.
  • Kernal - A super small and fast Electron client mod with the most capability.
  • GooseMod - GooseMod is a new, store-driven Discord mod. Runs on web browsers too.
  • Discord-Lite - A light-weight Discord client written in Python.
  • WebCord - A Discord and Fosscord API-less client made with Electron.
  • Discord-Sandbox - Open-source Sandbox Discord client for the privacy-minded.
  • LemonCord - A fast & light weight Discord client written in Rust.

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A list of community subreddits for Discord.

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Community Guides & Tutorials

  • An Idiot's Guide - A guide that makes the best effort on attempting at humanizing the use of the Discord.js library.
  • Discord Guide - A guide that provides content, and support for how to utilize Discord.
  • Server Advertisement Guide - A helping guide to advertise Discord servers or bots.

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Official Resources

A list of official resources provided by Discord.


  • Discord Townhall - The official discord community server.
  • Discord Developers - The official place to discuss Discord's API and SDKs with the community developers and Discord staffs.
  • Discord API - The official Discord server for support related to all the official unofficial API libraries.
  • Discord Games Lab - The official server for Discord's Games Lab.

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Community Programs

  • HypeSquad - Join the HypeSquad and let Discord support your gaming community.
  • Partners - Join the Discord fam and get partner-only tools to make you stand out.
  • Verification - Verify your server so people know where to find their favorites artists, esports organizations, and game studios.

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  • Slides & Audio - A Discord presentation and audio regarding server audits.
  • Audio & Transcript - A Discord interview about accessibility with a Discord employee. from the accessibility team.
  • Audio & Transcript - The Discord community team talks about a new feature in testing: forums.

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If you see a link here that is not (any longer) a good fit, you can fix it by submitting a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!

The creators and maintainers of this list do not recieve any form of payment to accept a change made by any contributor. This page is not an official Discord product in any way. It is a list of links to projects and is maintained by volunteering contributors. Everybody is welcome to contribute. The goal of this repo is to index all-things-discord, not to advertise for profit.


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A curated list of awesome things related to Discord.



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