- Date Created: 31 MAR 2023
- Last Modification Date: 31 MAR 2023
- Deployed link of Netlify: https://tripeasego.netlify.app/
- Render deployment Link: https://trip-ease-server.onrender.com/
Create .env
file at the root level of server
directory and create an environment variable. This file will look like this:
- Node and npm is the primary requirement. Run the following command to check if node and npm is available in your system:
node -v
npm -v
- Git cli: Download Git command line interface using this link. If you are not sure if you have installed git on you machine, run the following command:
git -v
After Installing Git,
The first step is to clone the Group project repo in your machine using the below command. Run the below command at the destination in cmd where you want to clone the repository.
git clone /~https://github.com/jainilsevalia/TripEase.git
Next, Change the directory to the client side of the project using:
cd .\TripEase\client
Next step is, run the below command to instal all the packages and dependencies that is required to run the Assignment.
npm install
You are all set and now just run the client side using following command.
npm start
Now, To run the server side of the Assignment, open the cmd with the path of the project's repo.
Next, Change the directory to the server side of the project using:
cd .\TripEase\server
Next step is, run the below command to instal all the packages and dependencies that is required to run the Assignment.
npm install
You are all set and now just run the server side using following command.
npm start
Both the server are now up and running.
├── public
│ ├── images
├── src
│ ├── assets
│ ├── components
│ ├── constants
│ ├── layouts
│ ├── pages
│ ├── redux
│ ├── utils
├── App.scss
├── App.js
├── index.js
└── index.css
In a React frontend application, there are several essential directories and files to structure the project. These include the node_modules directory, which stores all the project dependencies, the public directory, used for storing static assets such as images and fonts, and the src directory, which contains reusable components in a components directory and page components in a pages directory. The main component that serves as the root of the app is App.js, while index.js renders the app to the index.html file. The package.json file contains important information about the project, and README.md is a file often used for documentation purposes.
├── Assets
├── Controllers
├── Middlewares
├── Models
├── Routes
├── Utils
├── .env
├── server.js
We implemented an MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, consisting of three primary directories: Controllers, Models, and Routes. To separate the business logic from publicly accessible assets such as images and documents, we placed the static files outside of the server's core code. All the constant strings used in the server code are stored in the ".env" directory. As the application grows and new features are added, the "server.js" file becomes critical for scalability. This file contains all the configuration information, including the backend server's URL, for the node application.
To have a local copy of this lab / assingnment / project up and running on your local machine, you will first need to install the following software / libraries / plug-ins