This framework is designed to be used as a boilerplate template to start automation testing quickly for any web application. The page object model is used to structure the test.
Prerequisites: NodeJS 14(or above) and Java 8 (or above)
- Clone the repo using the below URL /~
- Navigate to the folder and install npm packages using:
- npm install
- Install Playwright browsers
- npx @playwright/test install
- Run all the spec files present in the "./tests" directory by using the below command
npm run test
- Run specific spec file
npx playwright test tests/{specfile_name.ts}
- To generate allure report
npm run test:reporter
npm run open:allure-report
- Directly use docker compose file with below command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
OR use below
- To run tests in docker containers, install docker and use the below commands to compose the docker image from the docker file;
docker build -t {give image name} .
- To create the container and launch it use:
docker run -it -d {same image name as in the previous command}
- Check the container is up and running; copy the container id
docker ps -a
- Login in to the running container
docker exec -it {container id} bash
- Run the commands as per need in the docker bash;
npm run test
- The workflow file is in directory .github/workflows named playwright.yml
- Every push or pull request action will trigger the workflow
- Results can be seen on the 'Actions' tab in the repo.
Pull requests are welcome. For significant changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.