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getting started

Mahmoud Ben Hassine edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 20 revisions


Easy Rules is a Java library. It requires a Java 8+ runtime.

Building from source

To build Easy Rules from sources, you need to have git and maven installed and set up.

Please follow these instructions :

$ git clone /~
$ cd easy-rules
$ mvn install

Use with maven

To use Easy Rules, you have to add the jar easy-rules-core-4.1.0.jar to your application's classpath. Easy Rules has a single dependency: SLF4J. You can choose which SLF4J implementation you like and add it to the classpath as well.

If you use maven, add the following dependency to your pom.xml :


Use a snapshot version

The current development version is 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT. To use this snapshot version, you need to decalre sonatype's snapshot repository in your pom.xml:


or download the jar directly from this repository.

Quick start archetype

The quick start archetype generates a skeleton project with the right dependency to Easy Rules. In order to generate a quick start project, run the following command:

$>mvn archetype:generate \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jeasy \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=easy-rules-archetype \

You will be asked for your project's groupId, artifactId, version and base package. Once finished, you will get a fully functional sample application that you can run with the following command:

&>cd ${your.artifactId}
$>mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=${your.base.package}.Launcher

where ${your.base.package} is the value of the base package you were asked for when creating the project.