- Add new tasks.
- View all tasks.
- Update existing tasks.
- Delete tasks.
- Mark tasks as complete.
The program continuously displays a menu for these operations until the user chooses to exit.
The provided Python code is a command-line Basic Calculator that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, remainder, and exponentiation. It includes:
- Functions for each arithmetic operation.
- A function to display available operations.
- A Calculator() function that loops to:
- Display the menu.
- Get user input for operations and numbers.
- Perform the selected operation.
- Ask if the user wants to continue.
The program repeats until the user chooses to exit.
The provided Python code is a command-line Password Generator that creates a strong password with at least one letter, one number, and one special character, with a minimum length of 8 characters.
- passwordGenerator(length): Generates and returns a password meeting all criteria.
- password(): Prompts for password length (minimum 8), generates, and prints the password. The program ensures the password is strong and secure.
The Python code is a command-line Rock-Paper-Scissors game where players compete against the computer. It includes:
- Rules are displayed at the start.
- Choices (Rock, Paper, Scissors) presented for player input.
- Random computer choice generation.
- Determination of round winners based on game rules.
- Score tracking for both player and computer across multiple rounds.
- Final score display and declaration of the overall winner based on the highest score.
- It provides a simple and interactive game experience with clear outcomes after each round and at the end of the game session.
The program provides basic functionalities for managing a contact book:
- Adding new contacts.
- Viewing all contacts.
- Searching for specific contacts by name or phone number.
- Deleting contacts.
- Updating contact information.
It utilizes binary file handling with pickle for data storage and retrieval, ensuring persistence across sessions. The menu-driven interface facilitates user interaction, making it straightforward to perform operations on the contact book data.