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book-computer-science-distilled Public🚧 Code and personal notes for the book Computer Science Distilled by Wladston Ferreira.
ydkjs-self-evaluation Public🚧 Quizzes to self-test your learning from YDKJS book series.
book-test-driven-js-development Public✅ Code & personal notes for the book Test-Driven JavaScript Development by Christian Johansen.
JavaScript 2
eloquentjs-canvas-platform-game Public👾 A Minimalist Platform Game (Canvas Version). Project from Chapter 16.
JavaScript 1
jquery-conways-game-of-life Public👾 Conway's Game of Life with jQuery.
JavaScript 1
fem-advanced-state-management-in-react Public✅ Code exercises from the course Advanced State Management in React hosted by FrontendMasters
- book-algorithms-4th-javascript Public
🚧 Javascript code & personal notes for the book: Algorithms 4th edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
iramirezc-learning/book-algorithms-4th-javascript’s past year of commit activity - book-test-driven-js-development Public
✅ Code & personal notes for the book Test-Driven JavaScript Development by Christian Johansen.
iramirezc-learning/book-test-driven-js-development’s past year of commit activity - fem-website-accessibility-v2 Public
✅ My personal repo for the course Website Accessibility (v2) hosted by FrontendMasters.
iramirezc-learning/fem-website-accessibility-v2’s past year of commit activity - fem-typescript-fundamentals-v3 Public
✅ My personal repo for the course TypeScript Fundamentals (v3) hosted by FrontendMasters.
iramirezc-learning/fem-typescript-fundamentals-v3’s past year of commit activity - fem-xstate-v2 Public
✅ My personal repo for the course State Machines in JavaScript with xState (v2) hosted by FrontendMasters.
iramirezc-learning/fem-xstate-v2’s past year of commit activity - fem-css-animations-and-transitions Public
✅ My personal repo for the course CSS Animations and Transitions hosted by FrontEndMasters.
iramirezc-learning/fem-css-animations-and-transitions’s past year of commit activity - my-hacker-rank-solutions Public
🤓 The purpose of this repository is to backup my solutions to the challenges I've solved in HackerRank.
iramirezc-learning/my-hacker-rank-solutions’s past year of commit activity - book-cracking-the-coding-interview Public
🚧 Personal notes & code for the book Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle McDowell.
iramirezc-learning/book-cracking-the-coding-interview’s past year of commit activity
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