Create Hetzner Cloud hosts which manage a floating ip between them using pacemaker
This image is intended for use through the ipunkt rancher catalog: /~
Variable | Default | Explanation |
HCLOUD_TOKEN | - | The token used to create the hosts and later manage the floating ip and fencing the nodes. |
SERVERS | lb01:lb02 | Colon(:) separated list of host(name)s to creates |
SERVER_SIZE | cx11 | Hetzner server type to create |
FLOATING_IP | loadbalancer | The description used set for the floating ip address and used to identified on subsequent runs |
SSH_KEY_NAME | loadbalancer_key | The name by which the generated public ssh key is saved to the hetzner cloud api |
SSH_KEY_PATH | ./id_rsa | Path to the ssh private key. Set this to be on a persistent volume unless you use the {PRIVATE,PUBLIC}_KEY variables |
SSH_EXTRA_PUBKEYS | - | Extra ssh public keys to add to the servers root auhorized_keys file |
CLUSTER_INI | ./cluster.ini | Place to save the cluster.ini to. Set this to be on a persistent volume or set CLUSTER_USER_PASSWORD |
CLUSTER_TIMEOUT | 10000 | Corosync token timeout. How long the cluster waits before it throws out a node when not receiving anything from it. |
PRIVATE_KEY | - | Use this private ssh key instead of generating one. Only effective in conjunction with PUBLIC_KEY |
CLUSTER_USER_PASSWORD | - | Password to the hacluster user used by pacemaker to link the cluster. Leave empty to generate a password which is then saved in the CLUSTER_INI |
PUBLIC_KEY | - | Use this public ssh key instead of generating one. Only effective in conjunction with PRIVATE_KEY |
HOST_LABELS | lb=true | Host labels to be set on the rancher entries of the new servers. Only effective when first registered. Change within rancher afterwards |