- The IDE this project was originally developed with is no longer maintained.
- Codebase is highly outdated and doesn't work well on newer Windows versions.
- There are new bugs that can't be fixed due to these limitations.
- I don't have time to build this from scratch & I no longer work with Visual Basic programming language.
- I'm planning to redo this entire project using Java in the future.
Fake website hits (traffic) generator tool. Also known as the Fake Traffic Generator (Website Clicker).
- This project was developed using SharpDevelop Open Source IDE (v4.4).
- Used Visual Basic programming language.
- May not be compatible with Visual Studio - NOT TESTED.
- Vist Releases tab for Compiled executable.
- Latest stable source code is avaiable in the master branch.
- Proxy list is available in proxy_list branch.
- GPL v3
- ipman_98 (ipman_98@ipman98.96.lt)
- EMail : navilk@zoho.com
- You can download this project in zip or tar format.
- You can also clone the project with Git by running,
$ git clone /~https://github.com/ipman98/Fake-Hits-Generator.git