- TimeTable
- Course homepage
- Discord server
- FAQ (live updated)
- IoT tutorial template
- Course syllabus
- Github iot-lnu
- Youtube LNU Computer Science
- Youtube playlist Applied IoT summer -21
- Youtube playlist Applied IoT summer -22
- Youtube playlist Applied IoT summer - 23
- Fredrik Ahlgren, course administrator
- Neda Maleki
- Arslan Musaddiq
- Oxana Lundström
- David Mozart
- You are working in the industry, within a relevant area of expertise.
- You are keen to learn more about IoT.
- You want to develop your own IoT-project. Getting hands-on experience.
- Read this document carefully. Please give us feedback directly if anything is unclear.
- Plan your studies. Add time to your calendar to view/listen to recorded material. Please be active on all live sessions.
- Ask questions. Ask questions. Ask questions. Really - you are always encouraged to ask questions, rather twice than none.
- Answer questions. Answer questions. Answer question. We want YOU to be active. Answer all questions, don't wait for someone else. Participation is encouraged.
- Interact with students and teachers at Discord. Ask, and do not be afraid to answer questions from other students. Remember - be nice and respectful. The success of the course is based upon your participation.
- Above all, the most important thing - try to adopt a positive attitude and have fun.
The aim of the course is for you to build a connected sensor unit that provides a measured value that is presented over the internet. In the first instance, technology specific to battery-efficient IoT devices will be covered. The course is an expert competence course, aimed for you working in the industry. There will be a great deal of flexibility to tailor your learning toward your own needs. It is about your own learning and interest, you will thus have a great opportunity to manage your project according to your own wishes.
The course has a practical focus and examination, which means that an IoT unit with sensors is required to be able to be examined. Material recommended according to Bill of Material which should be procured before the start of the course. You can use other devices, if you are unsure, please ask. The course material will be presented primarily on Course homepage and some code repository on Github.
After completing the course, the students should:
- have a knowledge of the Internet of Things (IoT), applications
- develop applications for IoT-devices
- have an essential understanding of sensors and sensor data gathering
- understand IoT infrastructure and message protocols
- develop applications that includes data visualization and databases
- have hand-on experience of developing an IoT project
- Try to have only, personal questions regarding formal participation in the course, absence, grades are sent via email to the course coordinator Fredrik Ahlgren. Please help to maintain the e-mails to a minimum.
- Please post all questions in the - Discord server. This is because we want to minimize the amount of direct messages (DM:s).
- Questions about the course, assignments, examination, schedule, are asked at the Discord server.
The course lectures and materials will be in English. Please keep all public discussions in English if unsure if not all are speaking Swedish. We really need to make everyone feel included.
Reading material will be handed out during the course both during lectures and as supplemantary material by the teachers. But you are required to search for relevant information yourself when needed. In the report you will have to provide relevant references.
The only deadline is the submission of the final report. Participation in workshops and live lectures are highly encouraged.
All reports in your own Github repository.
- Report in English.
- You will need to discuss different options.
- You need to provide a motivation with references for your solution.
- All code in repository.
- Your report is written in
- Your report is handed in via a link in e-mail to the course administrator.
- The report template is found here
- Recording of the course introduction (210913): https://youtu.be/dogVmhTrzoA