Integrated Oberon builds on the RISC Oberon reboot of the classic operating system and language.
The system documentation is here: including what it is, how to get it, install it, use it, develop it, talk about it...
Latest trimmed disk io.img for full machine emulators like this one in c
Latest trimmed disk io-pv.img for paravirualized emulators like this one in Javascript
Latest full disk for FPGAs implementing RISC5 like this one with 32MB SDRAM
Go to the Wiki for more community content.
Fork this repo, make pull requests! Help integrate modern capabilities into Oberon, a classic operating system and language.
This repo uses submodules, to get the whole thing:
git clone --recursive /~
After cloning the submodules may not be checked out to 'main' so after the above command you should:
cd io; bash