The JuBrain Anatomy Toolbox (a.k.a. SPM Anatomy Toolbox) is an SPM plugin with probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps for combination with functional neuroimaging data.
Combining probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps and functional imaging data.
The copyright and all other rights related to the hereby provided products are held by Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH. The use of the products is only permitted for own educational, scientific or private purposes. The source of the products must be quoted correctly. It is not allowed to revise or amend the provided products or extract only parts of it, e.g. the brain maps, without the explicit permission of Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH. Likewise it is not allowed to grant sublicences to third partys.
For any questions and comments regarding the JuBrain Anatomy Toolbox please contact:
- Prof. Simon Eickhoff, Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine - Brain and Behaviour (INM-7), FZJ
For general questions and comments regarding cytoarchitectonic mapping please contact
- Prof.Katrin Amunts, Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine - Structural and functional organisation of the brain (INM-1), FZJ
Eickhoff S, Stephan KE, Mohlberg H, Grefkes C, Fink GR, Amunts K, Zilles K: A new SPM toolbox for combining probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps and functional imaging data. NeuroImage 25(4), 1325-1335, 2005
Eickhoff, S.B.; Heim, S.; Zilles, K.; Amunts, K.: Testing anatomically specified hypotheses in functional imaging using cytoarchitectonic maps. NeuroImage 32(2), 570-582, 2006
Eickhoff SB, Paus T, Caspers S, Grosbras MH, Evans A, Zilles K, Amunts K Assignment of functional activations to probabilistic cytoarchitectonic areas revisited. NeuroImage 36(3), 511-521, 2007
Zilles K, Amunts K (2010) Centenary of Brodmann’s map – conception and fate. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11(2): 139-145
Amunts K, Schleicher A, Zilles K (2007) Cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex – more than localization. Neuroimage 37: 1061-1065
Zilles K, Schleicher A, Palomero-Gallagher N, Amunts K (2002) Quantitative analysis of cyto- and receptor architecture of the human brain. In: /Brain Mapping: The Methods/, J. C. Mazziotta and A. Toga (eds.), USA: Elsevier, 2002, p. 573-602.
Amygdala (superficial, latero-basal and centro-medial complex)
- Amunts,K. et al., (2005). Anat. Embryol. (Berl) 210, 343-352.
- Amunts,K. et al., (2005). Anat. Embryol. (Berl) 210, 343-352.
Superior Parietal Cortex (Areas 5L, 5M, 5Ci, 7A, 7PC, 7M, 7P)
- Scheperjans et al. (2008a), Cereb. Cortex 18: 846-867
- Scheperjans et al. (2008b), Cereb. Cortex 18: 2141-2157
Inferior Parietal Cortex (Areas PFop, PFt, PF, PFm, PFcm, PGa, PGp)
- Caspers et al. (2006), NeuroImage 33, 430-448
- Caspers et al. (2008), Brain Struct. Funct. 212, 481-495
Intraparietal Sulcus (Areas hIP1, hIP2, hIP3)
- Choi et al. (2006), J. Comp. Neurol. 495, 53-69
- Scheperjans et al. (2008a), Cereb. Cortex 18: 846-867
- Scheperjans et al. (2008b), Cereb. Cortex 18: 2141-2157
BA 17 and BA 18 (V1 / V2)
- Amunts,K et al., (2000). Neuroimage. 11, 66-84.
Broca’s region (Area 44 / Area 45)
- Amunts,K. et al., (1999). J. Comp Neurol. 412, 319-341.
- Amunts,K. et al., (2004). NeuroImage 22, 42-56.
Frontal pole (Areas Fp1 and Fp2)
- Bludau et al., (2013). Neuroimage. 2, 260-275.
Medial orbitofrontal cortex (Areas Fo1 – Fo5)
- Henssen et al., (2015). Cortex. 75, 87-112.
Anterior cingulate cortex (Areas 25, 33, P24a, P24b, P24c, P32, S24 and S32)
- Palomero-Gallagher et al., (2008). J Comp Neurol. 508(6), 906-926.
Fiber tracts
- Burgel,U. et al., (2006). Neuroimage 29, 1092-1105.
- Burgel,U. et al., (1999) Neuroimage. 10(5), 489-99.
Parietal operculum / SII (Areas OP 1 – OP 4)
- Eickhoff,S.B et al., (2006). Cereb. Cortex 16, 254-267.
- Eickhoff,S.B et al., (2006). Cereb. Cortex 16, 268-279.
Premotor cortex (Area 6)
- Geyer,S. (2003). The Microstructural Border Between the Motor and the Cognitive Domain in the Human Cerebral Cortex (Wien: Springer).
Motor cortex (Areas 4a and 4p)
- Geyer,S. et al., (1996). Nature 382, 805-807.
Primary somatosensory cortex (Areas 3a, 3b, 1)
- Geyer,S. et al., (1999). Neuroimage. 10, 63-83.
- Geyer,S. et al., (2000). Neuroimage. 11, 684-696.
Primary somatosensory cortex (Areas 2)
- Grefkes,C. et al., (2001). Neuroimage. 14, 617-631.
hOC5 (V5 / MT+)
- Malikovic,A., et al., (2007). Cereb. Cortex 17, 562-574.
Primary auditory cortex (Areas TE 1.0, TE 1.1 and TE 1.2)
- Morosan,P. et al., (2001) Neuroimage 13, 684-701.
Posterior insula (Areas Ig1, Ig2, Id1)
- Kurth,F. et al., (2010) Cerebral Cortex 20(6): 1448-1461.
Ventral extrastriate cortex (V3v / V4)
- Rottschy,C., et al., (2007). Hum Brain Mapp. 28(10):1045-1059.
Dorsal extrastriate cortex (hOC3d / hOC4d)
- Kujovic et al., Brain Struct. Funct. 10.1007/s00429-012-0390-9, 2012.
Gyrus fusiformis (FG1, FG2)
- J. Caspers et al., Brain Struct. Funct., 10.1007/s00429-012-0411-8, 2012.
Mid-Fusiform Gyrus (Areas FG3 and FG4)
- Lorenz et al., (2015). Cereb Cortex. pii: bhv225
Lateral occipital cortex (extrastriate areas hOc4la and hOc4lp)
- Malikovic et al., (2016). Brain Struct Funct. 221(4), 1877-1897.
Frontal pole (Fp1, Fp2)
- S. Bludau et al., (2014) Neuroimage, 93(2), 260–275
Basal Forebrain (Ch1-3, Ch4)
- L. Zaborszky et al., (2008) Neuroimage, 42(3), 1127–1141
Cerebellar nuclei (DDN, VDN, EN, GN, FN)
- Tellmann et al., (2015). Front Neuroanat. 13, 9-54.
Cerebellar atlas Diedrichsen,J. et al., (2009) Neuroimage. 46(1), 39-46.
Behrens TE et al., (2003) Nat Neurosci. 6(7):750-7.