A Neovim plugin that provide functionalities to set your current working directory.
Neovim 0.7+
Plug 'ingram1107/origin.nvim'
use 'ingram1107/origin.nvim'
As Neovim has a fresh start, this plugin will set the parent directory of the file that you first open as the current working directory.
This plugin provide three operational functions for its users. Origin
to print
the current working directory, similarly pwd
in native Vim.
and OriginSetManualRoot
are used to set the current
working directory as you want (empty string implies parent directory of the
current file). The difference between these two commands are that the operations
of OriginSetDefaultRoot
can be affected by the logic introduced in the
configuration whereas OriginSetManualRoot
To change the current working directory, you may use either Vim commands or Neovim lua commands.
Vim cmds
Neovim lua cmds
:lua require('origin').origin() " same with :Origin
:lua require('origin').set_root{} " same with :OriginSetDefaultRoot
:lua require('origin').set_root{'', true} " same with :OriginSetManualRoot
You may change the operational logic of OriginSetDefaultRoot
on which
directory/ies is/are the sub-directory/ies for the project root by configure
through the lua function default_source
as follow:
require('origin').setup {
default_source = {
lua = "lua",
c = { "src", "lib", "test" },
Or if you prefer VimL:
lua << EOF
require('origin').setup {
default_source = {
lua = "lua",
c = { "src", "lib", "test" },
If you want to prioritise the directory that contain .git/
as root directory,
turn on the git
option from the setup. Note that this options will always
prefer git repo as directory regardless of as default source directory you have
been set.
require('origin').setup {
option = true,
default_source = {
lua = "lua",
c = { "src", "lib", "test" },
lua << EOF
require('origin').setup {
option = true,
default_source = {
lua = "lua",
c = { "src", "lib", "test" },
- vim-rooter (main inspiration, provide more thorough functionalities)