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Integration with Calls API

Lejla Solak edited this page Aug 5, 2024 · 8 revisions

Before utilizing RTC SDK, please ensure you've gone through the following tutorials as prerequisites:

Prior to integrating with the Calls API, we recommend reading the Calls product documentation for a comprehensive understanding of this product.

To utilize the Calls API, you'll first have to do some additional setup:

  • Create Calls Configuration: Create your Calls Configuration along with its corresponding Event Subscription.
  • Configure Event Subscription: Set up your Event Subscription to include a Notification Profile with a reference to your Event Webhook.
  • Handle Calls Events: Develop your backend application to handle the Calls Events using the Calls API. Whenever a new event occurs on the platform that your application needs to handle, the Event Webhook will be triggered, allowing your backend to respond accordingly.

The Calls API provides you with ultimate freedom to incorporate your own business logic when managing calls, dialogs and conferences. These are some examples of more intricate use cases that can be implemented using the Calls API:

  • Comprehensive and granular control of WebRTC calls from your backend application
  • Easily join and remove WebRTC calls to and from conferences
  • Mix WebRTC calls into the same conferences with any other supported endpoints (Phone, SIP)
  • Implement routing logic for inbound WebRTC calls in your backend applications
  • Play text-to-speech, collect and send DTMF, or play audio files in WebRTC calls

Calls Configuration concept

Before starting to use the Calls API with WebRTC SDK, you'll need to create your own backend application and host it in your own environment, whether on premise or at your cloud hosting services.

Your backend application will be represented on our platform as a Calls Configuration, which is a logical entity containing:

  • a declaration of webhooks exposed by your application and their related authentication scheme, which Infobip will use to send real-time events about your calls and conferences and what happens in these,
  • a list of real-time events to which your application subscribes.

The following image provides a clear overview of your application integrated into the whole ecosystem.


Create your Calls Configuration identifier

To use your backend application as mentioned earlier, you will need to create the Calls Configuration logical entity through our Calls API. This Calls Configuration will be identified by the callsConfigurationId unique identifier on our platform, which you'll use when sending Calls API requests and setting up calls to define which application is interacting with the system.

To create your Calls Configuration on Infobip's platform, you can read our Calls API documentation for the /calls/1/configurations endpoint.

Using RTC SDK with Calls API

When utilizing the Calls API it is up to you to design your voice and video scenarios and implement them within your backend application. Your use cases can range from simple to complex, tailored to meet your specific requirements.

It's important to note that any Calls method you call through RTC SDK will trigger an event on your application's event webhook. Similarly, any HTTP request you send to the Calls platform from your application will trigger an event on your web application (through our SDK).

To make a call towards your backend application, the application using our iOS SDK should call the callApplication method with the correct callsConfigurationId specified in the CallApplicationRequest.

let token = obtainToken()
let infobipRTC: InfobipRTC = getInfobipRTCInstance()

let callApplicationRequest = CallApplicationRequest(token, callsConfigurationId: "45g2gql9ay4a2blu55uk1628", applicationCallEventListener: self)
let applicationCallOptions = ApplicationCallOptions(video: false)
let applicationCall = infobipRTC.callApplication(callApplicationRequest, applicationCallOptions)

Keep in mind that making and receiving calls on iOS requires you to use CallKit. This enables you to display the system-calling UI and coordinate your calling services with other apps and the system.

When this code is triggered, your backend application will receive the CALL_RECEIVED event on its event webhook (provided you've subscribed to this event during Calls Configuration setup). Your backend application can handle it, and act accordingly using the Calls API.

You can also use the Calls API to initiate a call to a certain user by using the /calls/1/calls endpoint.

In order to be able to receive incoming calls, your application needs to support several things:

  • VoIP Background mode enabled - Xcode Project > Capabilites> Background Modes and make sure the following options are checked:
    • Voice over IP
    • Background fetch
    • Remote notifications
  • Push Notifications enabled - Xcode Project > Capabilites > Push Notifications
  • Voip Services Certificate - Log into your Apple developer account, find your app under Identifiers option, enable Push Notifications and generate new certificate following the instructions from Apple. Go back to your MacBook and import the generated certificate in your Keychain and then export it as .p12 file, which will be used later to send push notifications.

Create WebRTC push configuration specifying APNS certificate file details. This configuration is used to enable iOS push notifications.

Once the configuration is done, your application must register for push notifications, and you have to set up the incoming call delegate using following code:

class MainController: PKPushRegistryDelegate, IncomingApplicationCallEventListener {
    private var voipRegistry: PKPushRegistry
    init() {
        voipRegistry = PKPushRegistry(queue: DispatchQueue.main)
        voipRegistry.desiredPushTypes = [PKPushType.voIP]
        voipRegistry.delegate = self
    var infobipRTC: InfobipRTC {
        get {
            return getInfobipRTCInstance()
    func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didUpdate pushCredentials: PKPushCredentials, for type: PKPushType) {
        if type == .voIP {
            let token = obtainToken()
            let pushConfigId = obtainPushConfigId()
            let debug = isDebug()
            infobipRTC.enablePushNotification(token, pushCredentials: pushCredentials, debug: debug, pushConfigId: pushConfigId)
    func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload, for type: PKPushType) {
        if type == .voIP {
            os_log("Received VoIP Push Notification %@", payload)
            if infobipRTC.isIncomingApplicationCall(payload) {
                infobipRTC.handleIncomingApplicationCall(payload, self)
    func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didInvalidatePushTokenFor type: PKPushType) {
        let token = obtainToken()
    func onIncomingApplicationCall(_ incomingApplicationCallEvent: IncomingApplicationCallEvent) {
        let incomingApplicationCall = incomingApplicationCallEvent.incomingApplicationCall
        // Don't forget to register this call to CallKit
        incomingApplicationCall.applicationCallEventListener = ApplicationCallListener(incomingApplicationCall)
        incomingApplicationCall.accept() // or incomingApplicationCall.decline()
    func isDebug() -> Bool {
        return true
        return false

class ApplicationCallListener: ApplicationCallEventListener {
    let applicationCall : ApplicationCall
    init(_ applicationCall: ApplicationCall) {
        self.applicationCall = applicationCall

Shortly after answering the call, you'll receive a CALL_ESTABLISHED event on your event webhook (provided you've subscribed to this event during Calls Configuration setup). At this moment, the call has been successfully established with your application.

Whenever you want to hang up the call, as earlier, you can do it both from the SDK and through the Calls API.

From the Calls API side, this is done by sending an HTTP POST request to our platform to the /calls/1/calls/:id/hangup endpoint. This will result in a CallHangupEvent on the SDK side, to inform you that the call has been hung up.

From the SDK side, you can use the hangup method to perform the hang-up action.

let infobipRTC: InfobipRTC = getInfobipRTCInstance()
let applicationCall = infobipRTC.getActiveApplicationCall()

This will trigger the CALL_FINISHED event, which your event webhook will receive (provided you've subscribed to this event during Calls Configuration setup).

To check out which methods you can use through our SDK to control application calls, you can take a look at the ApplicationCall class.

To find a list of all the Calls API methods you can use, you can reference our Calls API documentation.


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