In this Reinforcement Learning (RL) project, State of the Art RL algorithms like Deep-Q-Networks & Prioritized Deep-Q-Network architectures are explored to build an AI Agent to successfully navigate through a custom environment while avoiding obstacles. The RL task explored in this project is Episodic in nature.
Agent interaction with Environment in Project
The simulated environment contains a single agent which navigates in the enclosed world with the task of maximizing the number of Yellow bananas collected while minimizing / avoiding the number of Blue bananas gathered. The state of the Environment is also synced with the Episodic nature of the task — each Episode is defined by 300 timesteps. At each timestep, the Agent can pick exactly one action from all the possible actions in Action-Space.
Average Freq. of Action choice (action-labels: 0,1,2,3) per action for the Agent for each timestep in an Episode
The State-space of Agent in the defined Environment is determined by a vector of 37 (Observation Space Size) float values. This Observation vector carries vital information about the Envrionment & Agent at every timestep in an Episode like the agent's velocity, along with ray-based perception of objects around agent's forward direction etc.
The Action-space for the Agent is defined by a vector of size 4 i.e. there are 4 possible actions for the Agent to choose from in order to interact with the Environment. The 4 possible actions are related with navigation of the Agent & are as follows - Forwards, Backwards, Left, Right.
In this task, the normal Deep-Q-Network (DQN) architecture seems to outperform a DQN with Prioritiztion mechanism by achieving target-number of reward points within shorter number of iterations in contrast to Prioritized DQN. This could be because of the a leaky bias problem injected by the Prioritization mechanism implemented in the Agent Experience Buffer.
Resulting Training Observation for the DQN RL Agent
The RL Agent has a very progressive improvement for the first 300 ~ 350 Episodes after which the Reward for the Agent saturates till +13 points per episode & does not appreciably increase from there.