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Broadcast: Overview

Venkata Bhupathi edited this page Aug 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Broadcast is a new service for Kumo that enables teachers and instructors to easily distribute cloud-based files to their students. Broadcast addresses a common problem: instructors need to get digital course files into the hands of their students, and this can end up consuming much of a class period.

How Does Broadcast Work?

Instructors launch Broadcast from within their LMS course. They will select a payload to distribute such as a Box folder. Broadcast will then send a copy of that payload to every member of the course roster. View step-by-step instructions for using Broadcast as an instructor.

Broadcast has been developed as an LTI application that can be easily added to a learning management system (LMS) as a 3rd-party tool.

Supported Services

The following 3rd-party services are currently supported by Broadcast:

Learning Management System (LMS) Platforms:

  • Canvas

Storage Platforms

  • OneDrive for Business (Enterprise)
  • Local File Storage

Configuring Broadcast