TiltGap generates cryptocurrency addresses and private keys in bulk.
The following instructions will build a static executable.
$ git clone /~https://github.com/inc/tiltgap
$ cd tiltgap
$ sh build.sh
TiltGap creates a directory "tiltgap-<currency>-<timestamp>/" with JSON files containing the private keys as well as a CSV text file "tiltgap-<currency>-<timestamp>.csv" containing the list of addresses.
Generate 100 Bitcoin Bech32 addresses:
$ ./tiltgap -b btc 100
Generate 1000 P2PKH addresses for Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin:
$ ./tiltgap btc 1000
$ ./tiltgap ltc 1000
$ ./tiltgap doge 1000
$ cat *.csv > all-addresses.csv
Warning: All currency and address type combinations may not be supported by all networks.