This project is using Python3. Se be sure that it's available on your system.
Pip is a python dependency manager. Be sure to install it first.
Once you've installed pip, you will need to work inside a virtualenv. A virtualenv is a convenient way to isolate your python packages. If you don't use a virtualenv, all the python libraries required will be installed system wide.
Install virtualenv:
pip install --user virtualenv
In the project directory create the virtualenv (here we will name it env
virtualenv env
If python 3
is not the default python version on your system, you may have to specify you python 3 binary to virtualenv:
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 env
Then activate the environment before launching any python command. You will need to do that each time you want to work on the project:
. ./env/bin/activate
Your prompt should be modified and should contain something like (env).
All the project dependencies are managed using pip. Once you've activated your virtualenv, type:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: If you are using Debian/Ubuntu, be sure to have the python3-dev
package installed or the installation will fail with errors like: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
You're ready to go!
First be sure to activate your virtalenv using:
. ./env/bin/activate
The first time (and only the first time), you will need to first bootstrap your database:
./ initdb
Then you just have to launch the following command and your server should be running on
./ runserver
If you want to use a real webserver like gunicorn
, just use the
file provided:
gunicorn webapp.wsgi_dev:application
Activate virtualenv and then
./ runserver
If you want to launch the test suite only once, run:
py.test tests
If you want to launch only one test file, use the command below:
py.test tests/
If you want to launch only one test in a test file:
py.test -s tests/
You will need ApiDocJs to generate the documentation. From the project root type:
apidoc -i api -o docs
To deploy it for example you can do:
rsync -avz docs/
curl -i -F file=@lcp_q_gov.wav http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/files
curl '' -i
-F in_xml_file=@/home/vjousse/Downloads/1487063813_12_in_07824d1f_5114_438c_a18b_75c689135c0a.v2.xml
-F out_xml_file=@/home/vjousse/Downloads/1487063813_12_out_b6a0eb2d_c7fe_41b7_b744_d00263b6611c.v2.xml
-H 'Authentication-Token: WyI0IiwiNzVlNDczYTU0YTc5YzkwYTQzODBiYzAxZDkyMzBmZjMiXQ.C4TJhQ.UpcQSuHk_N9j02CC1tCcRnWdB4Q'
REST Api auth with Flask:
Install git requirment from PIP:
pip install git+ssh://
Interesting links