The scripts aid an operating system in managing processes, threads, and Inter-process communications using C. The purpose of each script is the following:
- Reads any data from a standard input device.
- Writes it on the screen.
- Data should be of any length.
- Prints the day of the week
- Forks to print the date.
- Script A should be the server which:
- Prints the msg received from scripts B & C
- Replies with the msg received from script B or C.
- Script B should be a client which:
- Sends the following msg to the server: “This is Client B.”
- Prints the reply received from Script A.
- Script C should be a client which:
- Sends the following msg to the server: “I am Client C.”
- Prints the reply received from Script A.
- Creates two threads (Thread A, Thread B).
- Threads should alternate using Mutex to print the following:
- Thread A should print numbers from 1 to 7.
- Thread B should print numbers even numbers from 2 to 14
- The output should be in the following sequence: 1 ➔ 2 ➔ 2 ➔ 4 ➔ 3 ➔ 6 ➔ 4➔ 8➔ 5➔ 10➔ 6➔ 12➔ 7➔ 14