π Awesome software websites
- Compilers
- Converters
- Design
- Developing
- Editors
- Fonts
- Github
- Image processing
- Markdown
- Painting
- Science
- ray.so - Image of your code and icon generators.
- Pixel Map Generator
- Jitter - Motion design tool.
- Blobmaker - Blob generator.
- Haikei - SVG design assets generator.
- Coolors - Color palettes generator.
- What in Zod's name? - Zod error visualizer.
- Bundlephobia - Bundle size of package.
- Packagephobia - Size of package in node_modules.
- bundlejs - Npm package size checker.
- CSS Spring Easing Generator
- CSS Gradient Generator
- CSS Gradient
- Theme Studio - VS Code theme generator.
- Clipboard Inspector - A browser tool to look at what's available in the clipboard for a "paste" event.
- quicktype - JSON converter into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language.
- MySQL Visual Explain
- DevOps Playgrounds
- StackEdit - Markdown editor.
- FontDrop - Font analyzer.
- GitHub Profile README Generator
- Metrics - User metrics.
- iLoveIMG
- favic-o-matic - Favicon generator.
- Tables Generator
- Tree - Tree generator.