A modern, high-performance benchmark results dashboard for Iggy, built with Rust. This application provides a responsive web interface for visualizing and analyzing benchmark results.
- π Interactive performance trend visualization
- Support for multiple benchmark types:
- Send (Producer) benchmarks
- Poll (Consumer) benchmarks
- Send & Poll (Combined) benchmarks
- Consumer Group Poll benchmarks
- Separate visualization for producer and consumer metrics
- Comprehensive latency metrics (Average, P95, P99, P999)
- Trend and throughput charts across all benchmarks, hardware and versions
- Support for multiple benchmark types:
- π Filter benchmarks by hardware and version
- π± Responsive design that works on desktop and mobile
- π High-performance Rust backend
- β‘ Fast, modern web frontend built with Yew
The project is organized as a Rust workspace with four main components:
: Yew-based web application- Modern UI with interactive charts
- Type-safe API integration
- Error handling and loading states
: Actix-web REST API server- Efficient file system operations
- Configurable through command-line arguments
- Built-in security features
: Benchmark runner- Runs local benchmarks and collects results
- Organizes benchmark results in a structured format
: Common code between components- Type definitions
- Serialization logic
- Shared constants
The server provides the following REST API endpoints:
GET /health
- Check server health status
- Response:
{"status": "healthy"}
GET /api/hardware
- List all available hardware configurations
- Response: Array of hardware configurations
GET /api/gitrefs/{hardware}
- List git references for specific hardware
- Parameters:
: Hardware configuration identifier
- Response: Array of git reference strings
GET /api/benchmarks/{gitref}
- List all benchmarks for a specific git reference
- Parameters:
: Git reference identifier
- Response: Array of benchmark summaries
GET /api/benchmarks/{hardware}/{gitref}
- List benchmarks for specific hardware and git reference
- Parameters:
: Hardware configuration identifiergitref
: Git reference identifier
- Response: Array of benchmark summaries
GET /api/benchmark/full/{unique_id}
- Get full benchmark report
- Parameters:
: UUID of the benchmark
- Response: Complete benchmark report JSON
GET /api/benchmark/light/{unique_id}
- Get lightweight benchmark report
- Parameters:
: UUID of the benchmark
- Response: Simplified benchmark report JSON
GET /api/benchmark/trend/{hardware}/{params_identifier}
- Get benchmark trend data
- Parameters:
: Hardware configuration identifierparams_identifier
: Benchmark parameters identifier
- Response: Array of benchmark data points for trend analysis
GET /api/benchmark/{unique_id}/artifacts
- Download test artifacts for a benchmark
- Parameters:
: UUID of the benchmark
- Response: ZIP archive containing test artifacts
All endpoints return JSON responses (except artifacts which returns a ZIP file) and use standard HTTP status codes:
- 200: Success
- 404: Resource not found
- 500: Server error
Allows to run and collect performance results for multiple gitrefs back:
cargo run --bin iggy-bench-runner -- --directory ~/rust/iggy --count 10 --gitref master --skip-master-check
out --output-dir performance_results
Rust toolchain (latest stable)
rustup default stable
WebAssembly target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Trunk (for frontend development)
cargo install trunk
Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url> cd iggy-bench-dashboard
Run the development script:
This will start both the frontend development server and the backend server.
Build the release version:
Start the server:
./target/release/iggy-bench-dashboard-server --host --port 8061
Run the development script to start both the frontend and backend servers:
This will start:
- Frontend development server on port 8060
- Backend API server on port 8061
Access the development version at http://localhost:8060
docker build -t iggyrs/iggy-bench-dashboard .
First, ensure your performance results directory exists and has proper permissions:
mkdir -p performance_results
chmod 755 performance_results
Basic usage (recommended):
docker run -p 8061:8061 \
-v "$(pwd)/performance_results:/data/performance_results" \
--user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
With custom configuration:
docker run -p 8061:8061 \
-v "$(pwd)/performance_results:/data/performance_results" \
--user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
-e HOST= \
-e PORT=8061 \
-e RESULTS_DIR=/data/performance_results \
Using a named volume:
# Create a named volume
docker volume create iggy-results
# Run with named volume
docker run -p 8061:8061 \
-v iggy-results:/data/performance_results \
Variable | Default | Description |
HOST | | Server host address |
PORT | 8061 | Server port |
RESULTS_DIR | /data/performance_results | Directory for performance results |
The container is configured to run as a non-root user for security. When mounting a local directory, you should:
- Use the
flag with your local user ID to ensure proper file permissions - Make sure your local directory has the correct permissions (755)
- If using a named volume, the container will handle permissions automatically
The server can be configured using command-line arguments:
iggy-bench-dashboard-server [OPTIONS]
--host <HOST> Server host address [default:]
--port <PORT> Server port [default: 8061]
--results-dir <RESULTS_DIR> Directory containing performance results [default: ./performance_results]
--log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error) [default: info]
--cors-origins <CORS_ORIGINS> Allowed CORS origins (comma-separated) [default: *]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
For development, you can also use environment variables:
: Control log level and filtersRUST_BACKTRACE
: Enable backtraces (1 = enabled, full = full backtraces)