This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version 2.7.1, Rails version 6.0.4
Database Used => Postgres
Database initialization (enter database user and password in
First of all clone the project and setup database.yml file. Make sure you have ruby & rails versions as described above. Then run the following command after opening cmd or ubuntu terminal in clonned directory.
bundle install
to install all required gems.rake db:create
to create database, make sure your database user has rights to create database.rake db:migrate
to run all pending migrations & create db tables.rake db:seed
to create temporary data in application. 100 Users in our case, specified indb/seeds.rb
Hi, There I am a student from FAST-NUCES & I've developed this posting-app while learing Ruby On Rails Framework. I've Followed Michael Hartl's Book Ruby on Rails Tutorial. You can signup to explore the functionalities of app. I've Created 100 Fake users by using FAKER Gem. If You find or face any issue Please inform me at I will feel happy to help you. You can check my other projects at Github. ❤️