The goal is to explore relationships among the dataset's features using the statistical methods.
Explore the cholesterol dataset
Use graphical and descriptive methods to investigate the association between triglycerides and BMI
Use simple linear regression to investigate the association between triglycerides and BMI
Use logistic regression to investigate the association between triglycerides and hypertension
Analyze the association between hypertension and rs174548 adjusted for triglycerides using logistic regression
ID: Subject ID
sex: Sex: 0 = male, 1 = female
age: Age in years
chol: Serum total cholesterol, mg/dl
BMI: Body-mass index, kg/m2
TG: Serum triglycerides, mg/dl
APOE: Apolipoprotein E genotype, with six genotypes coded 1-6: 1 = e2/e2, 2 = e2/e3, 3 = e2/e4, 4 = e3/e3, 5 = e3/e4, 6 = e4/e4
rs174548: Candidate SNP 1 genotype, chromosome 11, physical position 61,327,924.
Coded as the number of minor alleles: 0 = C/C, 1 = C/G, 2 = G/G
rs4775401: Candidate SNP 2 genotype, chromosome 15, physical position 59,476,915. Coded as the number of minor alleles: 0 = C/C, 1 = C/T, 2 = T/T
HTN: diagnosed hypertension: 0 = no, 1 = yes
chd: diagnosis of coronary heart disease: 0 = no, 1 = yes