Load and use JDBC Java database drivers from go. Without Java.
- This is VERY MUCH WIP - it 'works' but has barely been tested/benchmarked. PRs/bug reports/feature requests gratefully received.
- This repository will change. Do not rely on it yet. Compatibility is not guaranteed.
- Very likely the drivers will be split into their own modules or repos.
More may be supported, but these are the ones we package, test, and distribute.
- Microsoft SQL Server (mssql)
- com.microsoft.sqlserver:mssql-jdbc:7.3.0.jre8-preview
- Oracle DB (oracle)
- com.oracle:ojdbc6: (NOT distributed, as license appears to prohibit it)
- PostgreSQL (postgresql)
- org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.5.jre6
For oracle, or if you want to build the native libraries yourself...
On osx run ./build-all.sh
to build for both mac and linux.
On linux, run individual scripts e.g. ./wrapper/scripts/wrap-oracle.sh
Import oracle, mssql, or postgresql driver.
import _ "github.com/identitii/gdbc/oracle"
Use gdbc-(oracle|mssql|postgresql)
as the driver name, and pass in the JDBC connection string (which is passed straight through to the driver)
pool, err = sql.Open("gdbc-oracle", "jdbc:oracle:thin:user/password@host:1521:sid")
When starting your application, it will look for the compiled driver shared library in the current directory (@executable_path) e.g. libgdbc-postgresql.dylib on mac, or libgdbc-postgresql.so on linux.
So either put the file in the current directory, or tell it where to find it like this...
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="path/to/the/shared/library" go run main.go
The one tiny benchmark so far has these GDBC drivers about 30% faster than the pure go drivers on mac, and about 30% slower than the pure go drivers on linux.
GraalVM to package the java driver as a native library, then CGO to communicate with it.
Because there are some databases that don't have or have incomplete or unsupported go drivers.
Initially started in order to get a fully featured oracle driver.
Also because it is fun.
- Find trusted maven repositories to download drivers
- Transaction isolation level config via driver
- Distribute binary drivers (.dylib and .so, and .dll?) via separate repositories
- Cut down the binary size from 120mb to something slightly more reasonable. (done: now 30mb)
- Get rid of -H:IncludeResources=".*"
- Extend test suite, find existing suite?
- Test memory usage/leaking
- Linux builds
- Windows builds (waiting on graalvm support)
- Implement further interfaces
- sql/driver.Pinger
- sql/driver.RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName
- sql/driver.RowsColumnTypeLength
- sql/driver.RowsColumnTypeNullable
- sql/driver.RowsColumnTypePrecisionScale
- sql/driver.NamedValueChecker
- Allow driver specific extensions
- Oracle continuous query notification - https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/JJDBC/dbchgnf.htm#JJDBC28815
- sqlite? ("org.sqlite.JDBC" "jdbc:sqlite::memory:" "SELECT 1;")
We're a fintech startup based in Sydney, Australia.
Find this project interesting? Why not come work with us.
/~https://github.com/japettyjohn/go-jdbc, which itself is partly based on /~https://github.com/xoba/goutil
gopher logo by Mario Furmanczyk (mfurmanc on fiverr)