A simple custom webserver written in Python, with the sole purpose of getting an rss feed from GET requests, converting the feed into an html form that can then be displayed in an iframe.
This project is intended to be a self-hostable alternative to online rss-to-html generators. Extremely simple to host, just change port to listen on, and let it run. Feel free to modify it to the way you want it to be.
The server doesn't store any rss feeds, it works completely by parsing GET requests to get the information it needs to find the rss feed. The following html code is the minimum required to embed an rss feed into a page:
<iframe type="text/html" src="http://{url/ip/domain name of server}/?feed={link to rss feed}" height="480" width="480"></iframe>iframe sends get request to server
server extracts rss feed from get request
server downloads and parses the rss feed into a dict like variable
server forms a summary from the feed in an html format
server then returns html form as a response to the get request
iframe displays html as embedded
I added a way to set css styles with this as well, using a "style" parameter and including it in the returned html. The css needs to be encoded into a url-friendly form before it can be included in the url. I will also include a script that takes the name of a css file, opens it, and returns the contents encoded in a url-friendly form. This can then be added directly to the url to get the resulting url:
<iframe type="text/html" src="http://{url/ip/domain name of server}/?feed={link to rss feed}&style={css url-friendly content}" height="480" width="480"></iframe>
Note: this script has very poor error handling. If it fails, it will crash and let you know.
Don't know what license is the most permissible. Do whatever you want with this.